- 可以播放FLASH的简单播放器,在VB.net语言开发环境下开发的。可以免去安装FLASH MX的麻烦,是用户十分理想的选择-can play a simple player, in VB.net language development environment under development. Installation can avoid the trouble FLASH MX, the user is a very good choice
- 适合初学者的一个按钮FLEX功能,通过按下按钮,实现3D转换页面,而且页面是按照你所选择的颜色点击所变化-FLEX is suitable for beginners, a function button, by pressing the button, the 3D conversion page and the page is based on the color of your choice click on the Change
- 实现了开心农场的基本功能,包括浇水、收获、多种作物的选择、农场资金计算等,看一下就知道了-Happy farm implements basic functions, including watering, harvesting, the choice of a variety of crops, farms, financial computing, take a look at the know
- 一段很好实用的open flash chart实例,想要flash图表展示统计界面的同志们的很好的选择。-A good practical example of open flash chart, flash chart you want to display statistics interface comrades good choice.
- 图像滚动算法,可以动态展现图片,并自动播放,也可选择某个单体-Image scrolling algorithm can dynamically show pictures, and automatically playback, has a choice of either a monomer
- 可以用来做选择题组件,还可以用组键来做不同类型的题目!-Components can be used to do multiple-choice questions, and group keys can be used to make different types of topics!
- 名称:flash饼图投票系统单用户版多选2.0(flashballot2.0) 开发环境:editplus 2.11 Macromedia Flash MX 2004 运行环境:Microsoft IIS 4.0 或更高版本 简介: 本投票系统采用flash与asp结合技术,此投票系统是单用户版本。因采用了flash技术,所以界面更加美观,利用动画实现网页的动感。用户可随意把此投票系统放在网页的任何地方 主要功能: 1、可自选投票项目的个数。 2、内容中显示每个
- flash制作的“动画大师指数检测选择题”这是在讲课的结束时对学员的一段简单检测。源代码用CS4制作。-produced flash " animation master index of multiple-choice test," This is the end of the lecture section of the trainees a simple test. Source code produced by CS4.
- 个人网站,全Flash,是个人网站最好的选择,欢迎下载-Personal website, full Flash, is a personal website the best choice, welcome to download
- flash 英文填空远程,可以作为选择题使用,可自己添加英语填空试题,和完形填空等制作英语flash课件。-English fill in the blank flash remote, you can use as a multiple-choice questions, fill in the blank questions can add your own English, and English Cloze other flash courseware production.
- 简单用flex实现图片轮换效果。对于初学者来说,参照这个代码会是个不错的选择!-Simple image rotation using flex to achieve the effect. For starters, refer to the code would be a good choice!
- 这是一个flash源文件,效果很好,测试平台为flash 8.0(如果提示问题请选择合适的版本试试),代码的效果是:单选题范例-This is a flash source file, with good results, the test platform for the flash 8.0 (if the question, please select the appropriate version to try), the effect of the code are: multiple
- 这是一个flash源文件,效果很好,测试平台为flash 8.0(如果提示问题请选择合适的版本试试),代码的效果是:flash百叶窗源代码,网页或者相册制作首选效果-This is a flash source file, the effect is good, the test platform for flash 8.0 (if the question, please select the appropriate version to try), the effect of the cod
- FLASH_TEST 软件是用FLASH CS4+xml语言编制的测试软件,对全国ITAT 计算机应用水平大赛的6套题目做了解答,软件提供了单选题、多选题、判断题、填空题目。-FLASH_TEST software was prepared by the FLASH CS4, the xml language test software, six sets of topics on the national the ITAT computer application level contest
- 本地录音,不用再借助fms,录音完成后可以直接保存到电脑里,自己选择保存目录!很强大 -Local recording, no longer with the fms, after recording can be saved to the computer of their choice to save directory! Very strong
- FLASH录音程序,,录音完成后可以直接保存到电脑里,自己选择保存目录!-FLASH recording procedures, after the completion of the recording can be saved to a computer of their choice to save directory!
- 自动售邮票机:(a)机器能自动识别硬币金额,最大为一元,最小为一角。购票者可选择的邮票面值有一元和五角两种,每次只能售出一枚邮票; (b)购票时先选择邮票面值后投币,当投入的硬币总金额达到或超过邮票面值时,机器应发出指示并拒收继续投入的硬币; (c)购票者投币后,按动确认键,机器将发出邮票和找零硬币,若所投金额不足,则发出欠资指示。在欠资情况下,购票者可以继续投币购票,也可按取消键,则机器将退出所投入的全部金额; -there is a slot machine, you can
- 用Remoting来和flex进行数据传输;FLEX Remoting可应用的服务器运行语言有多种选择,PHP ASP.NET JSP都可以,由于我们要应用到AMF,而AMFPHP是一个不错的选择,它是完全免费的,而其不用安装,完全由PHP进行编写,只要电脑能运行PHP就可以执行AMFPHP,所以这里我们选择AMFPHP。-And flex with Remoting data transmission FLEX Remoting server applications run languag
- 防360导航网站,简单不占太多资源,建站首选。-360 navigation website, simply do not take too much resources, site choice.
- 单项选择题模板 每点一个选项就能判断答案的对错-Templates for each point a multiple-choice options can be judged right or wrong answers