- 代码不长也不难,但鼠标遮罩效果很酷,不妨下了看看。-code is not long it is not difficult, but the shielding effect of the mouse cool, it may be under a look.
- 解压后,在影片剪辑下填写代码.影片的时针/分针/秒针分别命名.就可以用了,如何设计 如何应用 根据自己喜欢的风格设计.-unpacked, the film clips under complete code. the film Clockwise / watches / hands of named. it may, how to design applications according to their favorite style.
- arm下读取flash原代码,希望大家能得到点东西!-arm flash under the original code reader, I hope you will be something to! Gateway
- falsh下拉菜单 9个主菜单项 鼠标移动到主菜单上可以出现滑动的下拉菜单 可根据需要修改菜单内容-falsh drop-down menu 9 hunk single mouse movement to the main menu there will be a sliding drop-down menu Under the need to amend the contents of the menu
- 边角边全等三角形演示课件,帮实习学校老师做的,懂action的交流,懂隐形按钮的下,都不懂的别下了,免得说是垃圾!-Corner Pin congruent triangles demonstration courseware, training schools to help teachers do, and understand the action exchanges, understand the stealth button, nothing under the other, so t
- CAI计算机硬件模拟,可以自由拖动组合,懂action的交流,懂隐形按钮的下,都不懂的别下了,省得说是垃圾!-CAI computer hardware simulation, free scrolling portfolio, and an understanding of the exchange action, understand the stealth button, we do not understand the other under a save that was rubbis
- 轩精主页,很值人下载学习,超酷视觉,喜欢的人下吧-Menuhin precision Home, worth downloading learning, rap vision, the people like it under
- linux操作系统下测试绝对时间值的小程序。-Linux operating system under test absolute time value of the small procedures.
- FLASH实现的可根据图例个数自动缩放图表宽度组件, 实现自xml装载数据并绘制方面分析的图表.-FLASH can be achieved under the automatic zoom Figure Number width chart components, realize xml loading data analysis and mapping tables.
- flash源码,只是试下-flash source is under trial
Flash SDK
- 利用FLASH SDK直接生成的FLASH作品,控制 标记来操纵这些动画元素和动画流程,播放器在控制标记的操纵下播放动画。-use FLASH SDK directly generated FLASH works, control labeling animation to manipulate these elements and animation process, players control marker under the control of broadcast animation
- 利用FLASH SDK直接生成的FLASH作品,控制 标记来操纵这些动画元素和动画流程,播放器在控制标记的操纵下播放动画。.. -use FLASH SDK directly generated FLASH works, control labeling animation to manipulate these elements and animation process, players control marker under the control of broadcast animat
- 利用FLASH SDK直接生成的FLASH作品,控制 标记来操纵这些动画元素和动画流程,播放器在控制标记的操纵下播放动画。.. -use FLASH SDK directly generated FLASH works, control labeling animation to manipulate these elements and animation process, players control marker under the control of broadcast animat
- 利用FLASH SDK直接生成的FLASH作品,控制 标记来操纵这些动画元素和动画流程,播放器在控制标记的操纵下播放动画。.. -use FLASH SDK directly generated FLASH works, control labeling animation to manipulate these elements and animation process, players control marker under the control of broadcast animat
- 网页技巧--树叶一片一片想下掉的技巧,用与少数精彩设计的网页。-website skills -- leaves one under a swap to the skills, and with a few brilliant design of the website.
- 自己作的FLASH MV 《栀子花开》源文件 有兴趣的朋友可以下下来看看。(本人画工不是很好用了些别人的东西!还请见谅)-themselves FLASH MV "Gardenia jasminoides open" source documents are interested you can look down under. (I draw is not good used some of the things! Also please excuse me?)
- 可以播放FLASH的简单播放器,在VB.net语言开发环境下开发的。可以免去安装FLASH MX的麻烦,是用户十分理想的选择-can play a simple player, in VB.net language development environment under development. Installation can avoid the trouble FLASH MX, the user is a very good choice
- 这是个给广东一家公司做的FLASH,才 刚刚做完,主要是广告楼梯的,。原代码下后可以直接播放SWF格式-This is a company in Guangdong to do FLASH, just completed, is the main staircase of advertising,. Under the original code can be played directly after the SWF format
- 这个是给另一家公司做的网站上个一个导航条,美工还可以,过得去,。需要的朋友可以下下来看看怎么做导航条-This is another company to do on-site navigation, artists can still reasonably acceptable. The friend could see how down under so Navigation
- Flex下仿Windows界面,可以在flex下自定义外观,Flex imitation of Windows interface, you can customize the appearance of under flex