- 写一个统计就业情况的程序. 程序可以: a)使用户以如下格式输入新增或减少的就业机会: August 27 b)统计:1.每个月就业情况的变化 2.就业情况最好的月份 3.就业情况最差的月份 程序中变量EmploymentStatistics存放各月的就业数,并提供方法netChange, worstMonth, bestMonth. 例如用户的输入是: August 27 February -6 March 120 April 62 May -90 J
- Originally part of 30 days to learn jquery video series by tutsplus.com: You know you need to learn jQuery. Everyone else has, and you’re falling behind! No worries it’s a brand new year, and what better way to celebrate it than by learning a ne