ios6.1完美越狱工具 evasi0n v1.2 Linux,Mac,Windows三个版本
- 经过漫长的等待,iOS6完美越狱工具evasi0n终于正式发布,iPhone5、iPad mini等新品,终于迎来第一次越狱。 由evad3rs小组开发的evasi0n工具,可以完美越狱iOS6.0、iOS6.0.1、iOS6.0.2和iOS6.1等多个固件版本的所有iOS6设备(AppleTV除外)。 evad3rs小组是由著名黑客@pimskeks、@planetbeing、@pod2g和@MuscleNerd等人组建,专门针对iOS6越狱进行研究的破解小组。 evasi0n提供M
ZigBee OPNET Simulation Model
- the simulation model implements the physical layer of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard running at 2.4 GHz Frequency band with 250 kbps data rate.The MAC layer supports the beacon-enabled mode and implements slotted CSMA/CA and GTS mechanism according to th
Chromium Embedded Framework
- The Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) is an open source framework for embedding a web browser control based on Chromium. It is a convenient way to implement an HTML5 based GUI in a desktop application or to provide browser capabilities to an applicat
- Vers: Time: 20171130 Desc: Bugs in version 3.6.2 1. Cannot erase ESP32-D2WD and ESP32-PICO 2. Cannot show flash and mac information when no bin file is selected 3. Cannot download 40Mhz ESP8266 These bugs are all fixed in version