- 本文档作为《MISC平台接口规范》的附件,定义了中国移动移动信息业务中心Mobile Information Service Center(以下简称为MISC)平台V1.6版本WAP业务SP的应用程序接口,目的是为SP开发可接入MISC平台的WAP业务提供指导规范。 本文档并不用于指导SP如何申请接入MISC及业务测试等相关流程,以及WAP的页面规范、WAP应用程序的可用性(如UI),这些问题请参阅CMCC相关文档。 同样,本文档也不用于指导SMS等MISC所支持的其他应用的开发。
- This paper presents the results of the Finnish national \"Technology Vision of the Future Distribution Network\" project. The aim of the project was to create a technology vision of future distribution networks. Because the life span of networks is v
- The travel adaptor design presented here has been made with the aim of minimizing overall cost for a secondary voltage and current regulated adapter topology widely used in cellular phone adapters. Thanks to the VIPer12A low power consumption, it is
- 目的是学习,该如何编写IMEI写入程序?-Aim is to learn how to write the IMEI write procedure?
- 争对移动声源采用波束形成进行语音增强,提出一种约束子带波束形成算法。其波束形成器基于一个软约束,其目的是要使波束指向特定的区域即声源方向。而其核心在于首先要进行声源定位,获得尽量准确的方位信息,然后构造软约束条件,用于波束形成。且在此过程中不断跟踪声源的移动情况。在构造的约束条件中,需要知道声源的二维信息,即与麦克风阵列的距离和方向角,“软”体现在对距离和方向角的确定都是在一定范围内的,有待进一步更正。-Between the mobile sound source using beamform
- Abstract. The main aim of this research is to improve communication between student and teacher by using the developing mobile information technologies. Implementing such technologies in education may help to develop learning environments to share th
- Blocking CoThe aim of this toolbox is to compute blocking probabilities in WDM networks. This work was based on [1], [2], [3], [4] and user is referred to those papers for deeper study. Because WDM networks are circuit switched loss networks bl
- 读者图书论坛,读者可以阅读图书内容,查阅所需图书,给喜欢的图书留言,还可以发表文章。-The system is aim to give lookers chance to look or write or search books.
- In this thesis we have concentrated on energy consumption issue and aim to develop an energy efficient data aggregation protocol. To provide energy efficiency we have considered a cluster-based wireless sensor network.
- What is it that makes a wireless medium so unique? What are the problems of operating in the wireless medium and how are they overcome? What are the different types of wireless networks in use today? How does each one of them work and how do th
- This thesis investigates the effectiveness of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) as a modulation technique for wireless radio applications. The main aim was to assess the suitability of OFDM as a modulation technique for a fixed
- The use of computers in public places i ncreasingly common in everyday life. In using one of these computers, a user is trusting it to correctly carry out her orders. For many transactions, particularly banking operations, blind trust in a publ
- MIT AI Memo 353 "Lambda: The Ultimate Imperative"
- MIT AI Memo 410 "Viewing Control Structure as Patterns of Message Passing"
- MvTools, (Multivariable Tools) is a toolbox for Matlab 5.3 developed within the Department of Electrical Systems and Automation (DSEA), University of Pisa, with the aim to offering to the Matlab users (especially control engineers and control enginee
- 本课题研究的实时红外图像处理系统,实现了对红外焦平面阵列进行实时两点校正的图像处理算法,同时具有实时性好,通用性强的优点。红外热像仪整机项目取得了成功,各方面都达到了既定目标,红外图像显示效果非常清晰。-Ultimately,the algorithm of two-point correction for IRFPAwith nonlinear response is fulfilled in the real—time image process system,meanwhile,the s
- As promised in the first edition of this book, C++ has been evolving to meet the needs of its users. This evolution has been guided by the experience of users of widely varying backgrounds working in a great range of application areas. The C++ us
- 一个基于遗传算法的材料排样算法,目的是使板材得以最大化利用-A genetic algorithm based on the materials layout algorithm with the aim to maximize the use of plate
- 介绍了数据结构的基本概念、线性表、链接表、数组和广义表、树、图、查找和排序等,每章用大量的实例和图表来说明基本概念和方法.同时采用c语言作为算法的描述语言,算法也尽可能地少用抽象定义,而更多的是给出具体算法,并力求算法更接近于实际应用,使读者能更快地提高编程能力。-The book gives the basic concepts of data structures, linear tables, linked tables, arrays, and generalized table, tr
- Satellite Communication Engineering The aim of this book is to present in a simple and concise manner the fundamental principles common to the majority of information communications systems. Mastering the basic principles permits moving on