Software Testing
- Software Testing, Second Edition provides practical insight into the world of software testing and quality assurance. Learn how to find problems in any computer program, how to plan an effective test approach and how to tell when software is ready fo
- This thorough, hands-on reference for database developers and administrators delivers expert guidance on sophisticated uses of Transact-SQL (T-SQL)¡ ª one of the most familiar and powerful programming languages for SQL Server. Written by a T
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- 本书详细论述了光纤中的各种非线性效应.全书共分 10章.分别介绍了光纤和非线性光学,光纤模式及有非线性源时脉冲的传输,综述了光纤中的基本传输方程的数值方法、群速度色散、自相位调制、··… 等内容.本书自始至终强调了各种非线性效应对光ill信的影响,对从事非线性光纤光学研究及光纤通信的科研人员及大学教师、本科生和研究生是一本非常有用的参考书. -This book discusses in detail the various nonlinear optical effects. The bo
- 本书详细论述了光纤中的各种非线性效应.全书共分 10章.分别介绍了光纤和非线性光学,光纤模式及有非线性源时脉冲的传输,综述了光纤中的基本传输方程的数值方法、群速度色散、自相位调制、··… 等内容.本书自始至终强调了各种非线性效应对光ill信的影响,对从事非线性光纤光学研究及光纤通信的科研人员及大学教师、本科生和研究生是一本非常有用的参考书. -This book discusses in detail the various nonlinear optical effects. The b
- 关于丰田telematics终端机g-book的功能总结,挺全面的,希望能对您有所帮助-Toyota telematics terminal on the g-book summary of features, very comprehensive, and hope that it can help you
- C和C++D嵌入式系统编程,这是一本非常适合于想研究嵌入式系统里面C编程的人士。-C and C++ D Embedded Systems Programming。This book is very good for the student who want to study Embedded systems
- 一本讲解PLC技术细节的书.现在大多数PLC方面的书都是在讲各个厂家的PLC使用方法,很少提到制作,值得收藏.-A book to explain technical details PLC. Now is the majority of PLC' s book about the various manufacturers of PLC in use, little mention of production, worthy of collection.
- 《statistical analysis of network data methods and models》书籍第1至6章,作者Eric D. Kolaczyk-chapter 1 to 6 of the book 《statistical analysis of network data methods and models》by Eric D. Kolaczyk
- 这是一本基于WINDOWS下的很全面的DOS命令,希望对大家有所帮助。-this is a book about DOS
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- I’d like to thank everyone at Sams for their help with this book, and for the opportunity to write it. In particular, Scott Meyers and Mark Taber helped me get started. Jeff Schultz and Amy Patton managed the project and kept things moving along.
- 本书第一部分讲述的是传统的网络接口N e t B I O S、重定向器以及通过重定向器进行的各类网络通信。尽管本书大部分内容均围绕Wi n s o c k编程这一主题展开,但是,A P I比起Wi n s o c k 来,仍然具有某些独到之处。其中,第1章探讨的是N e t B I O S接口,它和Wi n s o c k类似,也是 一种与协议无关的网络A P I。N e t B I O S提供了异步调用,同时兼容于较老的操作系统,如O S / 2 和D O S等等。第2章讨论了重定
- 《人月神话》作者为人们管理复杂项目提供了颇具洞察力的见解,既有很多发人深省的观点,也有大量的软件工程实践。书中的内容来自布鲁克斯在IBM公司System 360家族和OS 360中的项目管理经验。初版的20年后,布鲁克斯重新审视了他原先的观点,增加了一些新的想法和建议。新增加的章节包括:原著中一些核心观点的精华;在经过了一个时代以后,Brooks博士对原先观点新的认识;1986年的经典文章《没有银弹》;对1986年所下论断(在10年内不会出现银弹)现在的认识。-Of people to mana
- This is a book about the experience of a Ph.D student in CS, Stanford. He describes his Ph.D experience as a grind, but satisfying. The real experience he describes may help you to decide whether to pursue a Ph.D degree.
- Perl6版pdf、[Learning.Perl.Student.Workbook(2nd,2012.01)].brian.d.foy.文字版(此为比书后练习难度更大更综合的练习集,为英文版) 另附部分章节的正确答案。均测试。-Perl6 edition pdf, [Learning.Perl.Student.Workbook (2nd, 2012.01)]. Brian.d.foy. Text version (this is more difficult than the back of
- A book on signals and systems with practical approach
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- 斯坦福大学一位博士写的书,关于读博的一些经历,从科研,心态等方面详细的介绍了自己读博士期间的感受,非常值得广大博士生借鉴。-A book written by Dr. Stanford University, Ph.D. study on some of the experience, scientific research, such as a detailed descr iption of the mentality of feeling during their PhD, is ver