- 这是我整理的kwp2000通讯协议的物理层与数据链路层的中文文档,对于研究k线通信的同学有一定的指导作用,This is me organize the KWP2000 communication protocol physical layer and data link layer of the English documents, the study of k-line communication Student must have a guiding role
- ControlCAN.dll ControlCAN.dll 动态链接数据库,仅供参考使用-Dynamic Link ControlCAN.dll ControlCAN.dll database, use for reference only
- D-link无线AP 用作repeater功能放大你的无功功能!-D-link wireless AP for the repeater function to enlarge your reactive function!
- U盘量产工具,我试过,对于黑片固化很有用,可以量产-U disk volume production tools, I tried, for the black film curing useful in mass production
- 利用四缸火花点火发动机模型,实践基于dSPACE 实时仿真系统的具体实验方法, 判断控制器模型的优劣。其中包括基于MATLAB/Simulink 的闭环离线仿真实验, 创建ControlDesk 试验界面,完成应用程序的编译、连接,代码的生成及下载,调整PI 参数进行实时仿真实验。-The use of four-cylinder spark ignition engine model, and practice the system based on dSPACE real-time si
- 简单介绍了J-link功能如何使用如何在嵌入式开发中实现调试功能!-Joe and I decided to take the long trip we d always wanted across the country. We were like young kids buying our camper and stocking it with all the necessities of life. Bella bakes the best rhubarb pie. We started
- D-LINK说明书,教你如何配置dlink路由器,以及端口映射 ,大家可以参考下-main about alink
- 数字音频总线I2S总线规范,I2S spec,三线制-Many digital audio systems are being introduced into the consumer audio market, including compact disc, digital audio tape, digital sound processors, and digital TV-sound. The digital audio signals in these systems ar
- 针对 3 G PP最新发布的 LTE ( l o n g t er m evol u t i on ) R e l ease 8 标准, 研究了 LTE 空中接口协 议栈无线 链路控 制 ( ra d i o l i nk con t ro, l RLC ) 的子层确认 ( ac kn o w l e d ged m o d e , A M ) 传输模式的 设计与实 现机制。主要介 绍了 L TE 无 线接入网空中接口协议 栈的结构, 详细阐述了空中接口协 议栈中 RLC的 A M 数据
- 研 究永磁 同步 电机 (P M SM )直 接 转 矩控制 (D T C ) 系统 。针 对传 统控 制 系统 中存 在 的 转 矩和 磁 链 脉 动 大 的 问题 , 将 空 间 矢 量 调 制 (S V M ) 引入PM SM —D T C 系统 。通 过 对 永 磁 同 步 电机 数 学模型及 空 间 电 压 矢 量 调 制 算 法 的 分 析 , 在 M atlab/Sim ulin k 环 境 下 , 对 P M S M 的 S V M —D T C 系 统 进行仿 真 。仿 真 结
- 讲PID原理的挺多,但是讲算法的实现却比较少,或是比较难懂,今天网上找到一个老外写的PID C语言实现,P ,I ,D 各环节独立实现,还是比较好理解的。-PID with a lot of talk about principles, but talk algorithm to achieve less than, or more difficult to understand, and today the Internet to find a foreigner to write PID C
- d-link 605 固件升级dlink605
- This paper presents a nonlinear control scheme for back-to-back High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) system based on feedback linearization control, using three-phase three-level voltage source converter. The design of the proposed nonlinear controller
- This document is about creating add-on packages for D-Link NAS. As such, it assumes that the reader already has some previous knowledge about add-ons and at least knows how to install and enable an add-on package. This document assumes that you have
- Working Telnet add-on for D-Link NAS. Will help to understand how to develop your own add-on for the D-Link Network Access Storages
- 3D技术在电商网站中的应用和发展。包括3D技术在业务上的应用,结合Native增强3D实现,整体链路效率优化,其他应用场景。-3 d technology in the application and development of e-commerce sites.Including the use of 3 d technology in business and in combination with Native enhanced 3 d implementation, the overa