- this a QAM64 captured signal for those who wants to check their algorithm for modulation classification and symbol rate estimation symbol rate used 1Mbps fs=20 or 40 MSPs and fc=5 MSPS-this is a QAM64 captured signal for those who wants to check thei
- mqam demodultion code with fc,fs,fd,M and ini_phase parameter
- fs = 8000 t = (0:1/fs:1). x1 = cos(2*pi*t*300) x2 = cos(2*pi*t*400) ha = phased.ULA( NumElements ,10, ElementSpacing ,1) ha.Element.FrequencyRange = [100e6 300e6] fc = 150e6 x = collectPlaneWave(ha,[x1 x2],[10 20 45 60] ,fc) rng def
- 1. 设计一个 N = 10 的低通 fir 滤波器,对 fs = 8kHz 的信号 fc = 2.5kHz 2. 设计等同性能的 IIR 滤波器 3. 定点实现,不能使用浮点 4. 测试多正弦波合成文件 MultiToneTest.wav 分析输出结果 5. 测试语音文件 sc03.wav 得到输出结果-1. Design a lowpass fir filter N = 10, for fs = fc 8kHz signal design equivalent of = 2.