- 2010最新的用分枝界限法解决最大多样性问题的SCI论文。-This article begins with a review of previously proposed integer formulations for the maximum diversity problem (MDP). This problem consists of selecting a subset of elements from a larger set in such a way that the
- 求解POMDP问题的一个重要方法,对策略空间进行简化-We propose a new approach to the problem of searching a space of policies for a Markov decision process (MDP) or a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP), given a model.
- Two different types of measurement matrices: predefined and random measurement matrices were studied and tested using MATLAB. The speech signal was reconstructed without losing important information in order to achieve an increase in the data rates.
Andrew Ng 机器学习的讲义 第12份(完整的)
- Andrew Ng 机器学习的讲义 第12份(完整的),包含连续MDP的内容。