- Annotation jdk1.5新特性-Annotation jdk1.5 new features
- SPI的Verilog实现(非常的全面和详细,还带有SPI算法的注解).-SPI in Verilog implementation (a very full and detailed, but also with the SPI algorithm annotation).
- 该文发表于08年,研究了近十年来约300篇图像检索论文,涉及主要的经典理论、图像标注并讨论了相关子领域。该文还讨论了如何利用现有的图像检索技术构建现实中图像系统,是一篇不可多得的图像检索综述。-The article surveys almost 300 key theoretical and empirical contributions in the current decade related to image retrieval and automatic image annotat
- A specification language design for the Java Modeling Language (JML) using Java 5 annotations有关JAVA语言设计的国外08年的博士论文-The Java Modeling Language (JML) is one such specification language for Java that uses comments to specify contracts. However, star
- 牛人做的一份uc/osII中文译注,对初学者应该很有帮助-Cattle are doing a uc/osII Chinese Annotation, should be helpful for beginners
- 注解SOPC板上的接口所在对应位置的详细信息-SOPC board annotation interface where the corresponding location details
- 注解驱动的缓存 Spring Modules还支持使用代码级元数据声明缓存-Annotation-driven Spring Modules Cache also supports the use of code-level metadata statement cache
- dom4j,hibernate3.6.6,hibernateAnnotation3.4.0chm格式的帮助文档-dom4j, hibernate3.6.6 of, hibernateAnnotation3.4.0chm format help document
- 文章主要关于Java代码书写的同时的相关注释的正确书写。-Correct writing of the article while writing Java code annotation.
- 用matlab作图时,对于下标的标注格式需要用特殊符号来实现。本文档里面归纳了相关的标注格式的符号,供大家学习参考。-Plotted using matlab need to use special symbols for subscr ipts label format. This document which summarizes the annotation format symbols, for all to learn.
- VISUAL C++使用编程,具体的事例让你更加轻松了解C++的编程,RAR解压就行了-C++ is an efficient and practical programming language, it can process change program design, can also be carried out in the face of the object program design, and easier to learn than C (such as I/O flow,
- VC++编程参考规范 变量、常量及宏命名 代码书写格式 函数及数据类型的前部的注释格式-VC++ Programming Reference specification of variables, constants, and macros named annotation format of the front portion of the code written in the format of functions and data types
- In this research two automatic video annotation techniques are considered. The first technique uses ontology to reduce the semantic gap during video retrieval and other performs a group based image retrieval using video files. The proposed algorithm
- complete annotation of the AVICAR corpus. Also, the corpora will be used for audio-visual speech recognition, speech detection, speaker identification and other future research.
- 基于底层特征的图像内容和人为理解的图像语义之间存在“语义鸿沟"的现象,而基于图像底层视觉特征的图像自动标注技术,能够实现从图像的底层特征中提取出高级语义信息的关键字来标注图像,能很好的解决这一难题-Based on the underlying features of image content and image semantic understanding of human existence between the " semantic gap" phenomenon,
- 图像 自动 标注 通过分析 训练集 ,学习 图像 和标注词 之间的关系,得出 之间的关系,得出 一些规则, 然后使用这些规则 自动 推导出 图像 最适合的标注词 ,这些标注词代表了图像的 ,这些标注词代表了图像的 高层 语义信息 。-Automatic image annotation by analyzing the training set, learning image and mark the relationship between words, the relationship be
- 一种图像内容混合自动注释方法.HIAM,它具备从网页中挑选与图像概念相关的术语作为图像注释.-An image content hybrid automatic annotation methods. HIAM, it has selected the image from a web page related to the concept of the term as an image annotation.
- 图像注释有多种方法。 目前主要有三种方法:基于对象分割的图像注释方法、基于固定大小分块的图像注释方法以及分类方法。本文将综述当前该 领域的研究现状。-are,Image annotation based On object segmentation,image annotation based on fixed-size image partition and image classification.This paper will summarize the research st
- 本手册针对的是已有一定网页设计制作经验的读者。其目的是提供最新最全的样式表内容的快速索引及注释。所以对于样式表的基础知识,在此仅简单介绍,恕不赘述。 本手册的升级信息与版权声明请参阅关于本书页面。本手册中专用词汇请参阅中英文词汇对照表。 -This manual is aimed at a certain web page design experience readers. Its purpose is to provide the latest and most rapid in
- 科大迅飞Aisound5简单文本标注用户手册-A user instruction for Aisound 5 text annotation.