GeForce 8800 GPU Architecture Technical Brief
- GeForce 8800 GPU Architecture Technical Brief 怎样利用8800显卡的技术书籍
The LTE Network Architecture
- The LTE Network Architecture
computer organization and architecture - designing for performance - solution manual
- computer organization and architecture - designing for performance - solution manual
- 详细介绍了PCI-E总线的系统架构,适合硬件工程师和底层软件工程师学习-Details of the PCI-E bus system architecture for hardware engineers and software engineers to learn the underlying
- 关于Microsoft .NET Pet Shop 4 架构与技术分析的文档-On the Microsoft. NET Pet Shop 4 architecture and technical analysis document
- 参加软件机构培训的资料,包括软件生命周期与软件架构介绍;软件架构风格;UML与面向对象程序设计;UML建模与分析;技术架构视图-设计原则与模式;软件系统坏死的症状;liskov替换原则(LSP);接口隔离原则(ISP;依赖倒置原则(DIP);设计模式;策略(Strategy)模式;桥接(Bridge)模式;命令(command)模式等,是老师智慧的结晶。-Institutions to participate in training software, including software li
- 台湾技术专家高焕堂的一次讲座内容,主题是软件架构及设计-Taiwan s technical experts GAO Huan-tang content of a lecture, the theme of software architecture and design
- java软件设计模式,包括一些UML设计,对了解,软件架构和设计模式很有帮助-java software design patterns, including some UML design, on the understanding, software architecture and design patterns helpful
- This book is for systems architects who are interested in building security into their applications. The book is designed to be useful to architects in three ways: as an introduction to security architecture, as a handbook on security issues
- Real-Time Design Patterns: Robust Scalable Architecture for Real-Time Systems. In this book, Bruce Douglass illustrates for the first time how two important contemporary software engineering advances鈥攑atterns and the UML鈥攃an be applied advantageou
Digital Filter implementation by FPGA
- 1.an fpga implementation of the image space reconstruction algorithm for hyperspectral imaging analysis 2. fpga implemention of a median filter 3. fpga implementation of digital filters 4.hardware acceleration of edge detection algorithm on
- 面向模式的软件体系结构 - 卷1 模式系统.pdf-Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture
- ARM System Developer s Guide: Designing and Optimizing System Software (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Architecture and Design)
- Common DSP architecture analysis
- If you want to understand about architecture of computer and write driver for window, this book is help you.
- router architecture networking
- Executable UML:A foundation for model driven Architecture
- 这篇论文阐述了关于c#环境下的软件框架的移植法等内容-this paper is about the translate of the architecture of software on the environment of C#
- Beautiful Architecture -- 英文版 全球19位顶尖架构师智慧结晶 本书围绕5个主题领域来组织本书的内容:概述、企业应用、系统、最终用户应用和编程语言。本书让最优秀的设计师和架构师来描述他们选择的软件架构,剥开架构的各层,展示他们如何让软件做到实现功能、可靠、易用、高效率、可维护、可移植和优雅。-Beautiful Architecture, 1st Edition by Diomidis Spinellis Georgios Gousios ----
- 这本书为你提供了一些美丽架构的详细例子,它们来自于各类计算机系统。相对来说, 计算机是比较年轻的一个学科。因为年轻,所以不像建筑、音乐或写作等领域那样,有 那么多的例子;也因为年轻,则需要更多的例子。我们希望这本书能满足这种需要。-This book gives you detailed examples of some beautiful architecture, they come from all kinds of computer systems. Relatively spe