- Dear reader. Thank you for your interest in BASCOM. BASCOM was "invented" in 1995. It was intended for personal usage only. I decided to make it public as I found no other tool that was so simple to use. Since that time, a lot of options and
- Its a I2c Communication with BASCOM in AVR
- Getting a Nordic nRF24L01 single chip 2.4GHZ radio transceiver up and running with Bascom-Avr.
- A simple system to manage a PET / AL TRASH compactor f astfoods. It activates a cruching motor when the PET/AL is in place and the START button is pressed. It stops after some time. Written in BASCOM for ATMEGA328. It uses a dislay 2x16 to
- it is a temperature adjust code in Bascom AVR