- CGM标准文档,可以参考此标准文档对CGM的元素进行了解并尝试使用此文档进行软件开发和解析CGM等工作-Information technology — Computer graphics — Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture descr iption information — Part 3: Binary encoding Technologies de l information — Infograph
- GOST cgm by rus, Information technology — Computer graphics — Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture descr iption information
- CAD Import VCL is a set of powerful classes that can be used in applications that give users ability to view and operate with DWG/DXF/DWF/HPGL/HPGL2/SVG/CGM files. CAD Import VCL provides an API for using AutoCAD® DWG™ /DXF™ , Auto