- A multi-Kalman filtering approach for video tracking of human-delineated objects in cluttered environments is an latest PH.D graduation paper! it give to most needing people.-A multi-Kalman filtering approach for vid eo tracking of human-delineated o
- 极值优化论文3:极值优化算法综述.极值优化( EO) 算法是新开发的一种启发式算法,其基本思想是更新适值最差的变量,提高目标函数的适 值.-Global optimization Paper 3: Summary of global optimization algorithm Extremal Optimization (EO) algorithm is a heuristic algorithm for the newly developed, the basic idea is to
- 本文介绍了自适应混合结合PSO(AHPSO-EO)-This paper introduce an adaptive hybrid combined PSO (AHPSO-EO) is proposed.
- 1 Introduction 1.1 Traitement d’image Le traitement d’images est une discipline de l’informatique et des math′ematiques appliqu′eesqui ′etudie les images num′eriques et leurs transformations, dans le but d’am′eliorer leur qualit′eou d’en extraire