语音识别技术主要包括特征提取技术、模式匹配准则及模型训练技术三个方面。此外,还涉及到语音识别单元的选取。选择识别单元是语音识别研究的第一步。语音识别单元有单词(句)、音节和音素三种,具体选择哪一种,由具体的研究任务决定。-Speech recognition technology, including feature extraction techniques, pattern-matching criteria and the three aspects of model training t
This paper identifies a novel feature space to
address the problem of human face recognition from
still images. This based on the PCA space of the
features extracted by a new multiresolution analysis
tool called Fast Discrete Curvelet Transfo
数学模型可以描述为:对于现实世界的一个特定对象,为了一种特定目的,根据特有的内在规律,做出一些必要的简化假设,运用适当的数学工具,得到一个数学结构。在计算机视觉技术研究中,建立特定的数学模型,可以大大简化问题。本文将从图像分割、特征提取、图像识别、三维重构等计算机视觉技术中几个重要方面来论述数学模型的应用。-Mathematical model can be described as: for a particular real-world objects, for a specific pur
The primary goal of pattern recognition is supervised or unsupervised classification. Among the various frameworks in
which pattern recognition has been traditionally formulated, the statistical approach has been most intensively studied and used i
Mammography is one of the available techniques for the early detection of masses or abnormalities which
is related to breast cancer. Breast Cancer is the uncontrolled of cells in the breast region, which may affect
the other parts of the body. Th
This paper provides a comprehensive survey of the technical achievements in the
research area of image retri , especially content-based image retri , an area that
has been so active and prosperous in the past few years. The survey includes 100+