《现代商业企业物流系统管理》 doc格式
- 对it人士来说,学习现代物流知识是佷有用的- Said to the it public figure that, the study modern age flows the knowledge is 鈻
- Digital Thermostat with High Accuracy -6,00 to 46,00 °C Digital Thermostat We build a digital thermostat for home applications, which controls the room temperature. I used the AT90S2313 microprocessor of ATMEL. The digital thermostat opens th
- 三维实时水面的模拟是近年来三维游戏以及虚拟现实领域积极探索的问题,真实 感强的水面可以大大提高游戏以及仿真系统的沉浸感。本文基于OpenGL函数 库,利用多重纹理、动态纹理技术实现了对实时水面效果的模拟,其中包括水面 流动效果和水面Caustics效果。为减轻系统的绘制压力,水面仅由两个三角单元 构建,这将大大提高游戏和仿真系统的帧速率。 ,Real-time three-dimensional simulation of the surface in recent years are
- this a Navier-Stokes equations solver. It support grids contains of multiple connected rectangles. So you can simulate viscous flows in any complicated tubes
- 文章介绍了用AT89S8252单片机的串行接口与智能温度巡回检测仪(XJ-08S)通过RS—485总线相互通讯实现热水温度远程显示的一种低成本解决方案,内容涉及RS—485总线通讯、单片机驱动数码管显示、数据转换以及键盘处理软硬件设计等内容-Automatic process control is concerned with maintaining process variables temperatures pressures flows compositions, and the lik
- 文章介绍了用AT89S8252单片机的串行接口与智能温度巡回检测仪(XJ-08S)通过RS—485总线相互通讯实现热水温度远程显示的一种低成本解决方案,内容涉及RS—485总线通讯、单片机驱动数码管显示、数据转换以及键盘处理软硬件设计等内容-Automatic process control is concerned with maintaining process variables temperatures pressures flows compositions, and the lik
- WAVA: a New Web service for Automatic Video Data Flows Adaptation in heterogeneous environments
- A token ring network consists of a set of nodes connected in a ring. The ring is a single shared medium. The token ring technology involves a distributed algorithm that controls when each node is allowed to transmit. All nodes see all frames, and
- 涡街流量计数字信号处理系统的改进与实验 本文针对涡街流量计数字信号处理系统存在的不能测量小流量和易受电磁干扰的问题,对其软硬件方面进行了 改进。重新设计和研制了电荷放大器,提高了灵敏度,增强了适配能力。采取了合理的接地和屏蔽措施,提高了系统的抗干 扰能力。采用去均值和频谱校正的方法,改善了系统的测量精度。编制键盘监控软件,采用状态变量法设计键值分析程序, 实现人机对话功能。进行了液体流量和气体流量的标定实验,结果表明,改进后的数字信号处理系统比常规的流量计信号处 理
- The following example show broad overviews of each of the flows. The first example is the flow discussed in this chapter. The subsequent examples are the flows discussed in the other chapters
- This document describes the structures, working principles, signal flows, and transmission and networking of the BSC6900. It helps the reader understand the implementation and working principles of the BSC6900.
- We present a visualization design to enhance the ability of an administrator to detect and investigate anomalous traffic between a local network and external domains. Central to the design is a parallel axes view which displays NetFlow record
- 温度传感器输出的非线性问题 ,结合其非线性的具体特点和船舶装备的实际使用要求 ,提出了 一种补偿其非线性的方法 ,即通过动态调整流过铂电阻的激励电流 ,来补偿由于铂电阻随温度升高阻值增加率减小而引起的 非线性 ,并设计了专用的非线性补偿电路. 在对电路补偿原理及效果进行理论分析和计算机模拟仿真的基础上 ,实际制作了 该非线性补偿电路 ,并进行了现场测试 ,结果表明在 0~650 ℃的温度范围内, 电路输出的非线性误差不超过 0. 12 . 目前以
- This document describes the detailed procedures, call flows, messages, timers, TLVs and attributes for the WiMAX end-to-end Network Architecture Specification. Details specified in this document supersede corresponding text in Stage 2.
- 关于湍流仿真的经典文献,对气象雷达和流体力学专业等相关专业的人士非常有参考价值。-The standard k-E. equations and other turbulence corrections are evaluated and reported with respect to their applicability in three-dimensional flows. The turbulence models are formulated on the assumpt
- turbulent flows (Stephen B. Pope)
- 这是一篇将格子波尔兹曼方法应用于非牛顿流体的综述类文章,2009年出版,总结性的,非常好,我是从学校的资源网站下载的,分享给大家。-Lattice Boltzmann models for non-Newtonian flows
- book describe the methods to solve navier stokes equations for compressible flows by introducing some subgrid models.
- Simulating Free Surface Flows with SPH monaghan1994
- 2012 A Study on Application of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics to Multi-Phase Flows szewc2012