- mathematical formulas for Geometrical shapes
- The geometrical attacks are still a problem for many digital watermarking algorithms at present. In this paper, we propose a watermarking algorithm for color images resistant to geometrical distortions (rotation and scaling). The singular value dec
- 借助激光测距技术、数控技术和计算机技术,将锥体零件的若干典型截面数字化,根据相关形位公差的定 义,利用计算机进行数据处理,求出被测零件的截面圆度、最大最小直径、垂直度等。- Using laser ranging technology, numerical control technology and computer technology, will taper parts some typical digital, according to relevant section of the
- 可用间接耦合分析方法,在和热分析同样的数据库中进行。SAVE热分析结果后,先用命令et把原来的热分析单元类型改成相应的结构分析单元类型。求解温度应力时所选用的单元类型应该在单元形状、节点数目以及插值函数阶次上与温度场分析所用单元类型一致,例如,PLANE55对应PLANE42、PLANE77对应PLANE82、SOLID70对应SOLID45等。 -! Part1---predefined scalar parameters ! ! parameters for geometrica
- Editorial Reviews Review J. Guckenheimer and P. Holmes Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems, and Bifurcations of Vector Fields "The book is rewarding reading . . . The elementary chapters are suitable for an introductory graduate c
- 本论文以来自企业的“非金属管状部件几何尺寸的研究”为背景,采用TCD132D线 阵CCD为主要探测器件,依据非金属管状部件的结构特点,设计了几何尺寸光电测量装 置。-In this paper from the enterprise s non-metallic tubular parts geometry research "as the background, using TCD132D line CCD as the main detector parts, on the ba
- geometrical runge kutta method
- Geometrical Theory of Diffraction for Modeling Acoustics in Virtual Environments
- Ray tracing is a widely applicable technique for modeling the propagation of light through an optical system. The modeling of light propagation via ray tracing is commonly called geometrical optics
- Support Vector Machines Training and Applications-The Support Vector Machine SVM is a new and very promising classication technique developed by Vapnik and his group at ATT Bell Laboratories This new learning algorithm can
- Content Based Image Retrieval Based on Geometrical Features Synopsis
- 大规模地形可视化在三维地理信息系统虚拟现实以及虚拟地理环境系统中占有重要地位本文研 究大规模地形实时绘制技术, 探讨了大规模地形实时绘制的基本途径和相关技术问题-RESEARCH ON REAL-TIME DISPLAY OF GEOMETRICAL TERRAIN DATA
- Control Methods for Electrical Machines - Husson_ Rene The control of electrical machines very much depends on the context and environment in which motors are considered. How a machine is used has a strong influence on its control laws. These
- Eigenfunctions of integrable planar billiards are studied — in particular, the number of nodal domains, ν of the eigenfunctions with Dirichlet boundary conditions are considered. The billiards for which the time-independent Schrö dinger equ
- Study of Physical and Geometrical Parameters Variation of NDT Device in Pulsed Eddy Current Using Coupled Circuit s Method
- geometry for computer graphics. consists fundamental geometrical formulas explanations
- 双边滤波(Bilateral filter)是一种可以保边去噪的滤波器。之所以可以达到此去噪效果,是因为滤波器是由两个函数构成。一个函数是由几何空间距离决定滤波器系数。另一个由像素差值决定滤波器系数。-Bilateral filtering (as the filter) is a kind of filter can protect and denoising. Can achieve the denoising effect, because filter is made up of two
- The flexible photovoltaic (PV) modules have the advantage of easily fitting on curved surfaces, but in that case their power–voltage characteristic exhibits localmaximum power points (MPPs) where the PV module power production is suboptimal.
- a hybrid geometrical statistic deformable model for automated 3D image segmentation in mri brain image.