Pseudolite Applications in Positioning and Navigation: Progress and Problems
- Global navigation satellite systems have been revolutionising surveying, geodesy, navigation and other position/location sensitive disciplines. However, there are two intrinsic shortcomings in such satellite-based positioning systems: signal attenuat
- 室内定位技术以其在定位搜救、公共安全、商业等方面良好的应用前景而备受人们重视。阐述了用于室内定位的几种算法,在详细介绍RF ID传感器定位原理、特点及关键技术的基础上,评述了LANDMARC定位系统及其优缺点,并展望了室内定位技术的发展趋势。-Accurate indoor positioning technology is an important and novel emerging technology for location rescue, public safety and co
- 国外很牛的一家公司开发的超宽带定位系统,可实现二维三维定位-The Precision Location Ultra Wideband System (PLUS) is a highly accurate Real-Time Location System (RTLS) that enables enterprises to have precise location information on their people and assets. Using Ultra Wideband (UW
- 有关室内定位的几篇文章,描述了室内定位的一些算法,希望对大家有帮助!-some papers about indoor location ,describe some algrithoms about indoor location,hope helpful for you
- 介绍室内机器人传感器定位的一种方法,给研究提出了新方向-Introduction indoor robot sensor positioning method to study proposes a new direction
- Heat lost from a pipe located indoor. Several Excel functions included.
- 针对大型建筑物复杂环境室内定位的特殊性,为了克服移动终端采用WLAN或无 线传感器网络单独定位精度不高的局限性,实现移动终端精确定位导航,提出了根据终端位 置环境同时搜索WLAN和无线传感器网络,采用改进后的网络融合定位算法,可以为用户 提供高精度、高概率和高保密性的定位业务。-For large buildings in the complex environment of indoor positioning particularity, in order to overcome
- 基于EEMD的全质心UWB室内定位算法结合了EMD算法的改进版-UWB indoor location algorithm based on EEMD
- Abstract: Smartphone positioning is an enabling technology used to create new business in the navigation and mobile location-based services (LBS) industries. This paper presents a smartphone indoor positioning engine named HIPE that can be easily
- In recent years, stepping with the popularization of smart phone and the development of mobile communication infrastructure, the conditions for ubiquitous computing society become more and more complete. In the vision of ubiquitous computing
- 室内无线定位技术 室内无线定位技术可以这样分成三类:近邻法、三边(角)测量法、模式匹配法。-Indoor wireless positioning technology indoor wireless location technology can be divided into three categories: nearest neighbor, trilateral (angle) measurement method, pattern matching method.
- 目前室内无线基站定位手机终端位置的BF卡尔曼算法的Matlab源码-The indoor wireless base station positioning mobile phone terminal position of BF kalman algorithm Matlab source code
- 关于室内定位方法的研究报告,可以参考了解下室内定位的研究。-it is a research report about indoor location method.
- 近年来,随着无线网络的迅速发展,室内定位技术在诸多领域中得到了广泛应用,成为重要的研究对象之一。室内定位技术的核心要素是定位算法。优秀的定位算法,可以有效地降低无线信道的影响,并利用较少的网络资源获取较高的定位精度。论文在研究了基于RSSI测距的无线定位算法后,重点研究了基于泰勒级数展开的RSSI测距定位算法,针对传统算法的缺点提出了改进方案。-In recent years, with the rapid development of wireless network, indoor posi
- 针对小型无人机在无卫星导航信号条件下的导航问题, 结合光流及地标定位设计了使用摄像头、惯性测量器件、超声测距仪等传感器融合的无人机室内导航方法. 文章使用补偿角速率的光流微分法计算帧间像素点小位移, 并用前后误差算法提取精度较高的点, 避免像素点跟踪错误, 提高了光流测速的精度 对得到的光流场用均值漂移算法进行寻优, 得到光流场直方图峰值, 以此计算光流速度. 本文提出了无累积误差的连续地标定位算法, 实时测量无人机位置. 通过多速率卡尔曼滤波器对观测周期不一致的位置、速度信息进行最优估计. 在