- 构造一棵二叉树、释放二叉链表中各结点的存储空间、获取指向二叉树根结点的指针、前序遍历二叉树、中序遍历二叉树、后序遍历二叉树等的编程-Construct a binary tree, the release of storage space for each node in the binary list, access points to the binary tree root pointer, before traversing Binary inorder binary tree trav
- 常用的算法经典代码,包括快速排序,冒泡排序等各种排序方法,还有二叉树的前序、中序和后序遍历等-The classic algorithm code, including quick sort and bubble sort sorting methods, as well as the preamble of the binary tree, inorder and postorder traversal, etc.
- 针对突变运动下的目标跟踪问题,提出一种基于视觉显著性的粒子滤波跟踪算法. 该算 法将基于视觉注意机制的视觉显著图引入粒子滤波框架中,根据视觉显著图的显著性区域,按 胜者为王和返回抑制机制进行目标检测-Aimingat solvingthetrackingproblemsunder thecircumstancesof abrupt motion,aparticlefilter trackerisproposedbasedonvisual saliencymodel. Thistracke
- it is very useful for designing lms and wigner function and choes distribution functio inorder to remove the cross terms in the wigner function
- 基于MATLAB的非线性曲线拟合。介绍软件MATLAB非线性曲线拟合的功能,通过上机实验和误差分析,寻找较好的非线性函数来拟合实验数据,从 而探索并归纳总结出非线性曲线拟合的方法、求解步骤和上机操作过程。-Thispaper introduces the functionof nonlinear curve fittingofMATLABsoftware. Bydoingexperimentswithcomputer anderror analysis, it is lookingfor
- this zip when released for the applications of modeling of some severe body mechanical sudies inorder to be able to tackle some hard mechanical issues in the doamin of aerodynamics
- Considering the different influence of image segmentation about the factorsof the distance between target and background as well as each kind of cohesion, an improved Otsualgorithm is proposed, and its basic principle and segmentation advantages are
- 关于二叉树先序、中序、后序递归与非递归遍历的详细源代码,并附有详细的注解。适合学习数据结构二叉树的同学学习。-About Binary preorder, inorder, postorder recursive and non-recursive traversal detailed source code, together with detailed notes. Binary tree data structure for learning students learn.