- We will use MatCont to start homoclinic orbits that emanate BT points in several models 1 . Recall that in the GUI of MatCont k is denoted as TTolerance. In all examples, we will set TTolerance=10 − 5 (k). As a rule, the amplitude (A) shou
- precision signifi cantly smaller than TTolerance. This can be achieved in MatCont by decreasing the tolerances VarTolerance and TestTolerance for the curve on which the BT points are detected.
- We will use MatCont to start homoclinic orbits that emanate BT points in several models 1 . Recallthat in the GUI of MatCont k is denoted as TTolerance. In all examples, we will set TTolerance=10 − 5(k). As a rule, the amplitude (A) -We will u