- 简介 · · · 你希望既出色地完成工作,又可以快乐地享受生活吗?本书向你介绍了如何获取更加旺盛的精力,如何变得更加轻松自如,事半功倍的方法。作者在本书中揭示的方法,在各种类型的企业中,在每一种工作层面上,在不同的文化氛围中,甚至在家庭和学校里,都已经得到了证明是功效卓著的。 作者简介 · · · · · · 戴维·艾伦是戴维·艾伦有限公司的总裁。作为一名行政管理培训专家和教育家,他拥有20多年丰富的管理经验,被誉为在提高工作效率方面最具建树和影响力的思想家之一,并且一直
- This paper identifies a novel feature space to address the problem of human face recognition from still images. This based on the PCA space of the features extracted by a new multiresolution analysis tool called Fast Discrete Curvelet Transfo
- 本文主要阐述了随着加入WTO,Internet也在以迅猛的势头在国内爆发式地增长,网络凭借其卓越的互动性与便捷的交流手段正成为最有发展潜力与前途的新兴媒体,成为众商家倍为关注的宣传热点。尤其是传统大型企业更应该充分利用互联网技术,为客户、合作伙伴在网上提供信息服务,并且借助互联网,敏锐的捕捉商机。作为专业从事机械制造的沈阳长红机械有限公司,更需要建设好网站,将其作为对外宣传、服务和交流的载体,来配合公司的迅速发展,使网站具有鲜明的行业特色,使更多的企业通过网络来结盟,使更多的客户通过网络来了解
- 此函数用于产生脉冲超宽带系统的训练序列的波形。输出参数有三个:bits--发送的数据,stx--发送的信号,ref--参考信号 发送端调制方式为TH-PAM-The emerging ultra-wideband (UWB) system offers a great potential for high data rate wireless multimedia applications of the home entertainment and industry, as well
- Electronic devices that exploit the spin of electrons as well as their charge are poised to overcome a major hurdle that could signal the beginning of an electronics revolution. Spintronics, at the interface between magnetism and electroni
- In recent years, both sophistication and damage potential of Internet worms have increased tremendously. To understand their threat, we need to look into their payload for signatures as well as propagation pattern for Internet-scale behavior. An accu
- 针对STK(Satellite Tool Kit)软件在军事任务可视化仿真领域中的广泛应用,为充分挖掘 其显示潜能,重点解决了影响其三维场景构建的瓶颈问题,即三维场景数据格式的转换和数据的获取 优化。在分析构建STK 三维场景所需要素及其作用的基础上,分别对地形、地表纹理、三维模型和GIS 等四类数据格式进行分析,并利用多种辅助软件,系统地提出了由较通用格式数据向STK 所支持格式 数据的转换方法,以及在对各类原始数据的获取和转换过程中出现的问题进行处理的优化方法。最后通过实例验
- The key parameters of the most important market introduction programs in selected European countries like Germany, Spain, Italy and Greece as well as the actual market sizes in these countries are described. Current and potential developments
- It is a well structured power point presentation of LiDAR. It covers in detail the theory , working and application in various field of this potential future technology
- (CBM) pinnate horizontal well according to the potential superposition ... The corresponding calculation program has been achieved based on C++ computer.
- 人工智能是一门极富发展潜力和挑战性的学科,和大多数事物发展规律一样,该学科也呈“肯定-否定-否定之否定”的螺旋上升发展趋势。文章分析了人工智能的内涵、发展历程以及目前人工智能研究领域占主导地位的三种发展观,最后简要的介绍其应用领域及发展前景。-Artificial Intelligence is a highly potential and challenging disciplines, and the law of development, like most things, the su
- Big data analytics based on Hadoop-MapReduce technology has well-documented potential to reveal new insights and provide significant business value. However, the technologies, programming styles, and analytic methods of big data analytics depart dras
- Low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes are forward error-correction codes, first proposed in the 1962 PhD thesis of Gallager at MIT. At the time, their incredible potential remained undiscovered due to the computational demands of simulation in