- 机器人ite Paper Camera Calibration and Stereo Vision-3 White Paper Camera Calibration and Stereo Vision
- 我们把Kinect相机作为3D测量设备来分析,试验性的研究深度测量分辨率和错误属性,并将Kinect与SLP相机和一个3D-TOF相机就立体重建的准确性做定量比较。我们提出了Kinect几何模型、Kinect相机的标定步骤和Kinect 3D测量的准确标定流程。我们展示了Kinect标定的功能-通过将它融入到一条SfM Pipeline中,在这里从动态的Kinect相机获得的3D测量数据通过计算彩色相机中与之相匹配的位姿被变换到普通坐标系。 -We put the Kinect came
- documentation for Visual odometry (with Camera stereo and laser scanner)
- active vision system for micro assembly is equipped with a top view camera and a side view camera with a rotational mirror system, such that the viewing direction can be changed freely. The rotational side view helps minimize an occlusion by chan
- As PTZ (Pan–Tilt–Zoom) cam-eras are able to obtain multi-view-angle and multi-resolution information, they have received more and more concern in both research and real application. Stereo vision using dual-PTZ-camera system, com-pared with using d
- In this demonstration, we present MeshEye, an energy-effi cient wire- less smart camera mote that has been designed with low-rate, dis- tributed imaging applications in mind. Special attention is given to its unique and novel vision system
- • Many people ask me how to generate .txt files or estimate camera parameters. PMVS is a multi-view stereo software and you should prepare .txt files by yourself. Bundler by Noah Snavely is a very good software to automatically estimate camera p
- 介绍了整体摄像术这种技术的一些原理,整体摄像术是立体可视化,立体成像领域的一种重要技术-Introduces some overall camera operation principle of this technology, the overall camera operation is stereo visualization, an important technique in the field of stereo imaging
- 图像数据操作(内存分配与释放,图像复制、设定和转换) 图像/视频的输入输出(支持文件或摄像头的输入,图像/视频文件的输出) 矩阵/向量数据操作及线性代数运算(矩阵乘积、矩阵方程求解、特征值、奇异值分解) 支持多种动态数据结构(链表、队列、数据集、树、图) 基本图像处理(去噪、边缘检测、角点检测、采样与插值、色彩变换、形态学处理、直方图、图像金字塔结构) 结构分析(连通域/分支、轮廓处理、距离转换、图像矩、模板匹配、霍夫变换、多项式逼近、曲线拟合、椭圆拟合、狄劳尼三角化)