- V4.02E是英文版软件,适用于出口汽车衡配套使用。可用于各类企业用一台电脑管理一台电子汽车衡称重业务-V4.02E is the English version of the software for supporting the use of export truck scale. Can be used for all types of enterprises to use a computer managing a single electronic truck scale weighi
- QQ installed SP (downloaded to the PC after installation). Mobile QQ to download and install the preservation of the local computer, keep a list of assumptions : F : \spqq\spqq.rar 2, spqq.rar codecs been spqq.cab 3 connected to a cell phone through
- DLP LightCrafter4500 数字微镜(DMD)空间光开关光调制器开发系统 1. 全面兼容德州仪器TI DLP LightCrafter4500开发系统. 能够支持1280X800 DMD(DMD微镜为7.56微米,本征分辨率为912X1140) 2. 支持HDMI高速度传输图片和USB控制信号,支持128Mbit USB图片预存储(64张预装图片存储) 高达4255Hz直接DMD装载显示 3. 开放式控制软件基于Windows XP/Vista USB驱动
EZ-USB(R) Technical Reference Manual(2014)
- EZ-USB(R) Technical Reference Manual(2014)