- 这是一篇关于Altium Designer 6.9 PCB设计软件的高级应用文档说明:包括规则设计,绕等长走线、以及层切换的方法!-This is an article on Altium Designer 6.9 PCB design software application documentation, senior: including rule design, a long walk around the other line, and layer switching method!
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- 数据结构的课程设计,利用堆栈的后进先出保存从起点开始的每一步行走。可以自定义迷宫地图,并在地图上标明,和用坐标表示行走路线。-Data structure of the curriculum design, use of the LIFO stack to preserve from the starting point for each walk away. Can customize the maze map and marked on the map, and the use of coo
- Microsoft Office sharepoint server search walk through document. step by step search custo(U)izatio(U)
- (1) 程序说明:从文件中载入一副迷宫地图,从起点走到终点结束。 (2) 基本要求:用P表示人的初始位置,表示墙壁,空格表示路,O表示出口.用键盘的W,S,A,D4个键左右分别代表上下左右4个方向控制P走动,每次只能走动一 格,不能穿越墙壁走动 -(A) program Descr iption: From the document contained a maze map, from the beginning to an end an end. (2) basic requirem
- maze rthis file create and simulated maze: a 8*8 table and a robot that walk trough this -maze rthis file create and simulated maze: a 8*8 table and a robot that walk trough this ....
- 本系列文章主要讨论四个问题:为什么需要单元测试?怎样征服可测性难题?怎样才能高效率测试?怎样保证测试效果?重点阐述单元测试的关键问题,不是一般概念,适合于对单元测试有一定了解的读者。 在选择工具和实施单元测试前,我们应该对相关理论有一个系统的了解,特别是将会遇到哪些难题,如何解决,要心里有数,否则的话,很可能劳民伤财,半途而废。如果只会测试加法函数或者三角形函数之类的独立小程序,就以为可以做单元测试了,那就像一个人刚学会走路,就去长途跋涉。 本文介绍的是针对企业项目的单
- In today’s competitive world any business must build flexible systems that adapt easily to evolving requirements of the critical business processes. IVRS is one such system that transforms the traditional business model into customer centric mode
- 编写程序的规范与标准,避免程序员走很多弯路-Write a program of norms and standards, avoid detour to walk many programmers
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- 随机游走在计算机学科的信息检索领域已经得到了成功的应用,现在正被 越来越多地应用到机器学习和数据挖掘等领域。在此背景下,我们提出图上的 随机游走学习,创造性地将随机游走作为一项基本技术,用于改善传统的有监 督学习,半监督学习和无监督学习中的困难问题-Random walk has been successfully applied in computer science, information retrieval, is now being increasingly applied
- In this walk through you will further your knowledge of composition elements with the use of the ParallelElement to display two MediaElement instances at the same time.
- 根据对真空蒸发镀膜的分析,在40×40的范围内分别蒸 发:1000、5000、10000、20000、30000个粒子。 利用2维数组记录每个点的粒子数。 初始粒的横纵坐标为0~40的均匀分布。 能量为(15,3)的正态分布。 在基体表面自由行走时损失1的能量。 若该点有粒子,即与其他粒子相遇时损失3的能量。 由低处向高处扩散,每扩散一层,损失4的能量,由高处 向低处扩
- C++0X的新标准,希望继续在C++这条路上走下去的人一定要看一下-The new standard C++0X, hope to continue to walk down this road in C++ to look
- In our work we have presented model for various deployment strategies and routing strategies using agent based M&S tool NetLogo. In deployment strategies modeling we have modeled small world networks, lattice networks, scale free networks and ran
- In this paper, we analyze the performance of two important mobility management protocols..MIPv6 and HMIPv6. Analytical model is developed for two mobility models- random walk and fluid flow to compute signaling cost, which consists of two com
- 自己设计的小游戏,可以生成随机路线,通过键盘控制方块的移动方向-Design their own little game, you can generate random routes through keyboard control box, the direction of movement
- 利用模糊離論模擬機器人走的軌跡,適合初學者學習並使用-On the simulated robot using fuzzy walk away from the track, suitable for beginners to learn and use
- 学vc编游戏程序 05.走四方 适合初学者-Learn vc series 05 games. Walk Quartet for beginners
- 在前面的高分子格子随机行走模型中,每个键的取向是完全是随机的,并且与前面相邻的键的取向是完全无关的。即高分子可以折回它已经占据的格点,这在物理上当然是不可能的。一个初步的补救方法是,不允许高分子往回折,即键矢量rn+1rn+1取向不可以是?rn?rn,只能随机从余下z?1z?1个取向中选一个取向。因此,在这个修正的模型中,rnrn已确定的情况下,rn+1rn+1平均值?rn+1?rn?rn+1?rn不是0,而是满足附件中的代码(In the preceding polymer lattice r