- 这是本人长期使用minigui软件在LINUX条件下进行GUI界面开发的一些体会,现整理修订完成,内有大量对各类错误的争析和解决办法以及诸多开发中的注意事项。-This is my long-term use of LINUX software minigui conditions some GUI interface development experience, it is changes have been collated, there are a large number of err
- frame fun for gui ssd3
- This JAVA platformwith usage of JADE in the Drinker agent GUI (Graphhical User Interface) best for gui form-This is JAVA platformwith usage of JADE in the Drinker agent GUI (Graphhical User Interface) best for gui form
- SmoothWall Express is an open source firewall distribution based on the GNU/Linux operating system. Designed for ease of use, SmoothWall Express is configured via a web-based GUI and requires absolutely no knowledge of Linux to install or use.