- 我希望大家通过我今天的讲话了解到我们有什么样的热情。我一开始是工程师,并不是 搞软件的,我之所以开办一家软件公司是因为我喜欢软件,我也知道大家过去有一段时 间要坐下来写很多的码来保证软件没有bug。我们已经改进了各种工具,帮助成千上万 的开发人员做很好的工作,他们的工作也会影响到上千万、上亿的用户,因此把个人电 脑连接到互联网上的想法实际上是革命性的,它能够极大地提高生产力。我们实际上在 这方面才刚刚开始,我们期待着和在座的所有人进行合作,来抓住这一新的
- 随着无线mesh网络的普及,其规模和复杂程度持续发展。然而多跳的mesh网络遇到越来越多的难题,比如带宽降低,无线干扰以及网络时延等。譬如,在网络中的每一跳吞吐量会下降多达50%,连续多跳情况下吞吐量下降得更迅速,其结果将导致网络性能的严重降低。在语音和视频应用大量运行的极端情况下,时延和RF干扰将达到不可接受的程度,而导致连接完全中断-wireless mesh network with the popularity of its size and complexity of sustaina
- 随着无线mesh网络的普及,其规模和复杂程度持续发展。然而多跳的mesh网络遇到越来越多的难题,比如带宽降低,无线干扰以及网络时延等。譬如,在网络中的每一跳吞吐量会下降多达50%,连续多跳情况下吞吐量下降得更迅速,其结果将导致网络性能的严重降低。在语音和视频应用大量运行的极端情况下,时延和RF干扰将达到不可接受的程度,而导致连接完全中断-wireless mesh network with the popularity of its size and complexity of sustaina
- This talk centered on Hamming s observations and research on the question\"Why do so few scientists make significant contributions and so many are forgotten in the long run?\"
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- System will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two directory.
- Please read your package and describe it at least 40 bytes in English. System will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two directory.
- Please read your package and describe it at least 40 bytes in English. System will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two directory.
- What is it that makes a wireless medium so unique? What are the problems of operating in the wireless medium and how are they overcome? What are the different types of wireless networks in use today? How does each one of them work and how do th
- 惠普大中华总裁退休感言 一、关于工作与生活 二、 根源 三、什么是好工作 四、普通人 五、跳槽与积累 六、等待 七、入对行跟对人 八、选择 九、选择职业 人生应该是精彩的,精彩的应该去享受生活给予你的所有。所谓高潮低潮,快乐伤心,或者有钱没钱都是旅程中的风景而已。只可惜我还是不能免俗,总希望这过程中的快乐可以多一点,低潮可以少一点-HP s Greater China president of retirement reflections 1, on
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- 详细说明程序员每天应该关注的事情,坚持下去,一定会有所收获!-A programmer must pay more attention to the things a day in detail,if you can do so,you will make success
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- AVR for beginner and very useful. Thanks so much-AVR for beginner and very useful. Thanks so much...
- 两人相恋是上天注定的缘,爱情之树的成长少不了爱心的浇灌,和心爱的Ta共同来建设属于你们俩的爱情花园,让你们的爱情之树茁壮成长。 交流话题可设置公开讨论也可以设置为两位主人私下交流;男女主人可对所有文章评论,普通网友可以对所有公开讨论主题进行评论。 ——七夕情人节的礼物,祝天下所有有情人终成眷属! -They fell in love that fate edge of the tree' s growth and ultimately, love love the water,
- 编程牛人的故事分享,让编程人员看到自己的长处,并激励自己更加努力提升自己的知识,而且可以作为一个有效的参考。-Programming to share the story of cattle, so that programmers see their own strengths, and inspire greater efforts to enhance their own knowledge, but also as a valid reference.