- 一位技术管理人员20年的工作经历和感悟,成功感悟-a technical management staff of 20 work experience and perceive success comprehension
- 一本电子书,记录了一个电脑技术人员在黑客方面的独到见解。希望能对想成为电脑高手的人有一定帮助-An e-book, recording a computer hacker in technical staff insights. The hope is people who want to be a computer expert to some extent help! !
- 销售技巧1全面提高销售人员的销售技能交接如何如人沟通-Sales techniques to improve sales staff a full transfer of sales skills of how to communicate, such as
- 从一名普通的工程师一路打拼至盛扬半导体有限公司技术副总,并以“技术幕僚”作为终极职业目标,本文主人公王胜和对技术性职业道路的坚持折射出怎样的一种人生智慧-Engineer all the way from an ordinary working hard to Holtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd vice president, and " technical staff" as the ultimate career goal, this hero Wa
- I. Find the facts A. List the relevant facts • Mitron o Free support and training: reduce business income make more workload of their staffs. o Freeze all salaries for 18 months: affect staff’s ambition and expect staff maybe move to an
- 黑会计:给学会计的人讲会计,由浅到深的讲解了会计行业的知识及内幕,适合初入会计行业的人员了解,也适合想自己办公司的人学习-Black Accounting: Accounting speaks to the school of accounting, from shallow to deep to explain the accounting industry and insider knowledge for entering the accounting profession of the
- 介绍办公室办公人员的成功礼仪的经验,有助于在办公室办公的(公务员、经理等)。-Describes the success of the office etiquette office staff experience can help in the office of the (civil servants, managers, etc.).
- 关于如何提升研究人员的职业生涯,尤其是对博士生、博士后以及在大学、科研所等工作人员很有帮助。-On how to enhance researchers careers, especially for doctoral students, postdoctoral as well as staff in universities, research institutes.
- 《我是沃兹》是苹果计算机是设计天才的唯一自传,对IT人员非常有激励作用- I am ward is apple computer is the only autobiography design talent, to the IT staff incentive is so
- 21世纪最具生命力的企业将是学习型组织,继续教育及职业技能的持续培训的需求呼声越来越高。如何让人们进行更多学习?接受更多好的培训?如何在企业员工中普及培训,提高培训率?如何 让教育培训有效、有趣?又如何让教育培训成本低? 网上学习、网上考试、网上培训等方式的网络在线学习平台即在线继续教育平台是网络时代解决企业员工教育培训、提高员工知识技能等最佳措施。-In twenty-first Century most of the vitality of the enterprise will b