- 宋太祖赵匡胤(927年-976年11月14日),中国北宋王朝的建立者,庙号太祖,汉族,涿州(今河北)人。出身军人家庭,高祖赵朓,祖父赵敬,赵弘殷次子。948年,投后汉枢密使郭威幕下,屡立战功。-Zhao Kuangyin (927 976 on November 14), the founder of the Northern Song Dynasty China, Temple name Dynasty, Han, Zhuozhou (now Hebei) people. Born in a
- Title: chatting on LAN Descr iption: purpose of this code is to chat on LAN between server and Client but donot forgive to give your own IP address in Client Code. This file came Planet-Source-Code.com...the home millions of lines of source co