- 8086 Assembly programming
- Interface a tactile key/switch and ac actuator(relay) with 8085. Write an 8085 ALP to read the number of times the key is pressed and display the number on the display screen. Use the key to switch ON/OFF a bulb using a relay. Each time the key is pr
- Write an 8085 ALP to design a 4-bit ALU. The ALU should be able to perform addition, subtraction, AND operation, OR operation on 4-bit inputs based on the desired operation
- Write an 8085 ALP to perform as a decimal up counter from 00 to 99. The count should be incremented every half second and the count should be displayed in the data field. The operation should repeat endlessly
- Write the 8085 ALP driver program for the 16X2 LCD display. Use it to display any message
- sms based controol of home appliences. that means through sms we can controol devicese from any wher
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