- SQL子查询语言笔记:子查询的分类 单行的语法 select 字段 from 表 where 字段 >[单行] (子查询)多行 in ,all,any in:表示在一个区间内 select * from emp where ename in ( select ename from emp where sal>2000 ) -SQL:select * from emp where sal>(Select SAL From EMP Where ENA
- 制造行业移动平台组件接口,*平台开发接口demo-Manufacturing industry mobile platform component interface, bulk SMS platform development interface demo
- 本文给出了一种新型智能电子秤的设计方案。该系统以单片机作为中心控制单元, 采 用V ö F 型模数转换、锁相倍频、非线性校正和数字滤波等技术。- Th is paper p resen t s a new design fo r the in telligen t elect ron ic scale. The m icro2 con t ro ller w as u sed as the cen t ral con t ro l un it in the system , t