- this implemented by pthread(share library) to draw the mandelbrot set.Using the iteration to try to compute the x and y value.and divide work by rows to any other threads to complete the total jobs.-this is implemented by pthread(share library) to dr
- this implemented by pthread(share library) to draw the mandelbrot set.Using the iteration to try to compute the x and y value.and divide work by dynamic mode (different from static)by rows to any other threads to complete the total jobs.-this is impl
- this implemented by OpenMP(share library) to draw the mandelbrot set.Using the iteration to try to compute the x and y value.and divide work by(static rule) rows to any other threads to complete the total jobs.-this is implemented by OpenMP(share lib
- this implemented by OpenMP(share library) to draw the mandelbrot set.Using the iteration to try to compute the x and y value.and divide work by(dynamic rule) rows to any other threads to complete the total jobs.-this is implemented by OpenMP(share li
- Fractal geometry, together with the broader fields of nonlinear dynamics and complexity, represented a large segment of modern science at the end of the 20th century. Penetration of the resulting new paradigms into practically all academic discipline