- 这是 用C++编写的员工培训系统 用户要修改程序源码可以选择相应的.h和.cpp文件,本实例使用的命名规则基本是:DIALOG_***** 为管理对话框资源, *****Info为数据输入窗口资源, *****Set为结果集对应的类-C is prepared by the staff training users of the system to amend the source can choose accordingly. H and. Cpp , the example of the u
- 本设计课题―用JAVA语言设计即时通讯系统是为了更好的满足人们的网上聊天和彻底的实现两台计算机之间点对点的信息交流的需求提出来的,也是当今网络迅速发展的结果。本论文共分为七部分.第一部分简单的分析了本即时通讯系统开发的可行性,并重点对技术可行性(选择JAVA)做了详细分析;第二部分借助数据流图和数据字典对系统的功能和性能进行了详细的需求分析,建立了系统的逻辑结构;第三部分用结构图和层次输入输出处理图,建立了系统的总体结构;第四部分采用了过程设计语言对系统的各个功能模块进行了详细设计;第五部分用J
- 做好一个软件,只靠技术好是很不够的,必须要有一套好的研发流程和配套的支持工具。国内软件企业的项目经理都是全才:需求、设计、编码、测试、维护乃至产品发布都要精通,事必躬亲,但实践中你又不可能样样都精通,所以结果只有一个:四处救火,累得半死但永远看不到尽头。-do a software, technology alone is good enough. must have a good development process and associated support tools. Domesti
- 结果是使用CVAVR编写而成。这里是开题报告和对反应时的简介。为学期作业。-result of the use of CVAVR prepared. Here is the problem that report and the reaction to the briefing. Operating for the semester.
- Student result management system Use the C language realization system 2, the data structure making use of the structure body several realization student s result design 3, the system have increment, search, insert, row preface etc. basic fu
- 八皇后问题是一个古老而著名的问题。这个问题是十九世纪著名的数学家高斯1850年提出:在8X8格的国际象棋上摆放八个皇后,使其不能互相攻击,即任意两个皇后都不能处于同一行、同一列或同一斜线上,问有多少种摆法。高斯认为有76种方案。1854年在柏林的象棋杂志上不同的作者发表了40种不同的解,后来有人用图论的方法解出92种结果。例如: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- In a preemptive priority based RTOS, priority inversion problem is among the major sources of deadline violations. Priority inheritance protocol is one of the approaches to reduce priority inversion. Unfortunately, RTOS like uC/OS can’t suppo
- Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture is written in direct response to the stiff challenges that face enterprise application developers. The author, noted object-oriented designer Martin Fowler, noticed that despite changes in technology--f
cPPjob-shop C++程序编写的车间调度中的job shop问题
- C++程序编写的车间调度中的job shop问题。仿真结果比较好-A c++ program of writing workshop dispatch of the job shop problem. The simulation result is better
- 这是日本OKI公司开发的ML9636芯片说明书,这款芯片专门用于DSRC开发,由于国内只有ETC标准,尚无DSRC标准,此款芯片是基于日本ARIB STD-T75标准开发的。希望能对打算研究DSRC的朋友提供帮助,This is Japan OKI developed ML9636 chip specification, this chip devoted to the development of DSRC, ETC, only as a result of domestic standard
- 本设计利用AT89C51单片机来控制液晶显示器和矩阵式键盘,实现了简易的计算器功能。通过键盘输入需要计算的计算式子,该式子会显示在液晶的第一行,当键入等于号后,计算结果会显示在液晶的第二行。本设计中液晶选用1602字符型液晶显示器,显示参与运算的数字以及最终的运算结果,键盘采用4*4矩阵式键盘。-This design using AT89C51 microcontroller to control the matrix liquid crystal display and keyboard,
- 连锁酒店VPN解决方案由于商务型、游客型的客人占大部分的酒店住房比例,这些客人多半有收发MAIL、实时通、Skype、数码相机传输、浏览网页等方面的需求,因此是否能提供优质的宽带上网服务,可以说是酒店市场决胜的关键之一 -Hotel Chain VPN solution as a result of business type, tourists accounted for the majority of guests type of hotel housing ratio, most of
- will let you know the result once they replied will let you know the result once they replied
- 一种很不错的全局搜索算法,源自于遗传算法,但效果比遗传算法好。很推荐用这个方法做优化-A very good global search algorithm, derived from the genetic algorithm, but the result was better than the genetic algorithm. Is recommended to use this method to optimize
- 在将各种类型的数据构造成字符串时,sprintf 的强大功能很少会让你失望。由于sprintf 跟printf 在用法上几乎一样,只是打印的目的地不同而已,前者打印到字符串中,后者则直接在命令行上输出。这也导致sprintf 比printf 有用得多。-In all types of data structure into a string, sprintf power will rarely disappoint you. Printf as a result of sprintf with
- GMSK是高斯滤波的最小频移键控的简称,基本的工作原理是将基带信号先经过高斯滤波器成形,再进行最小频移键控(MSK)调制。由于成形后的高斯脉冲包络无陡峭边沿,亦无拐点,因此频谱特性优于MSK信号的频谱特性。-GMSK Gaussian filter is the smallest FSK abbreviation, the basic working principle is to base-band signal to pass Gaussian filter shape, and then
- Java technology is both a programming language and a platform. The Java programming language originated as part of a research project to develop advanced software for a wide variety of network devices and embedded systems. The goal was to develop a s
- 本论文是对apriori算法的改进,写得很详细,也很经典,算法的结果也得到了验证。-This paper is the apriori algorithm, writing a very detailed and also very classic, the algorithm has also been the result of verification.
- Result after execution of apriori algo
- result document for algorith analy-result document for algorith analysisi