- imgFileList:文件路径字符串数组; iNum:输入文件个数; outFilePath:输出图像的文件路径; outFileFormat:输出图像的文件格式,支持格式:1 - TIFF \ 2 - JPG\ 3 - PDF; iColorType:颜色类型, 0-彩色 \ 1-灰度 \ 2-黑白; iThresholdLevel:二值处理的阈值, iColorType = 2 时有效; strErrMsg:返回异常信息
- it is very useful,ImageMagick is a powerful, stable and free tool sets and setups, can be used to read, write and handle more than 89 basic format image files, including popular TIFF, JPEG, GIF, PNG, PDF and PhotoCD formats