- 设计了PLC控制液压伺服系统来实现数控落地铣镗床主轴箱动态平衡的控制。在此液压系统中,应用电液伺服阀和伺服控制系统来控制活塞杆的压力和位移,实现对主轴箱因倾斜而产生误差的补偿。这样不仅可以提高机床加工精度,而且可以改善立柱的受力-design of PLC controlled hydraulic servo system to achieve CNC Milling-landing spindle box dynamic control. In this hydraulic system, t
- ECG electro project for MCU
- This book resulted from using, documenting and teaching various analysis techniques during a 30-year mechanical engineering career in the disk drive industry. Disk drives use high performance servo systems to control actuator position. Both
- 将自适应模糊PID的控制方法应用于电液伺服控制系统中,通过使用MAⅡAB的 FuzzY工具箱对系统建模和仿真计算,并可根据仿真结果在线调整PID参数,对系统进行校 正.-The adaptive fuzzy PID control method is applied to electro-hydraulic servo control system, through the use of MA Ⅱ AB' s FuzzY toolbox on the system modeling
- 船载光电成像三轴自主稳定平台控制回路设计Ship-borne electro-optical imaging axis stabilized platform independent control loop design-Ship-borne electro-optical imaging axis stabilized platform independent control loop design
- 组态技术的电液比例泵试验台CAT系统研究Configuration technology based electro-hydraulic proportional system of pump test stand CAT-Configuration technology based electro-hydraulic proportional system of pump test stand CAT
- :针对3-业过程控制中传统PID控制器的不足,介绍了模糊PID控制器的设计方法,将模糊PID 算法应用于汽轮机功频电液调节系统中,并将模糊PID算法与传统PID算法进行了比较-: For 3- business process control, the lack of traditional PID controller, introduced the fuzzy PID controller design method, the fuzzy PID algorithm used in st
- :针对3-业过程控制中传统PID控制器的不足,介绍了模糊自整定PID控制器的设计方法-: For 3- business process control, the lack of traditional PID controller, introduced the fuzzy PID controller design method, the fuzzy PID algorithm used in steam turbine power frequency electro-hydraulic c
- electro magnetic theory
- 图解电子学入门书籍,用于电工电子入学书籍-Introduction to Graphic electronics books, school books for electrical and electronic
- Injection of the wind power into an electric grid affects the power quality. The performance of the wind turbine and thereby power quality are determined on the basis of measurements and the norms followed according to the guideline specified
- To calculate the resistance and SPL (sound pressure level) of an micro-loudspeaker.The methed to be used is electro-mechano-acoustical circuit.It runs at the platform of mathematica.
- power electro nic text book
- power point on Micro electro mechanical systems
- this application program for cimulation wiring control electro motor
- This project investigates the blink behavior and other eye movements related with automobile driver during long time driving. The main aim is to map certain events in a recorded electro-oculogram (EOG) to actual blink behavior as measured via vid
- A robot is a mechanical or virtual intelligent agent that can perform tasks automatically or with guidance, typing by remote control. In practice a robot is usually an electro-mechanical machine that is guided by computer and electronic programming.