- 详细介绍MCL算法,是由Sebastian Thrun a, Dieter Fox, Wolfram Burgard, Frank Dellaert所著的论文,发表于Artificial Intelligence上。-Mobile robot localization is the problem of determining a robot’s pose from sensor data. This article presents a family of probabilistic lo
- Sensing and planning are at the core of robot motion. Traditionally, mobile robots have been used for performing various tasks with a general-purpose processor on-board. This book grew out of our research enquiry into alternate architectures fo
- The 3pi robot [http://www.pololu.com/catalog/product/975] is complete mobile platform designed to excel in linefollowing and maze-solving competitions. The 3pi has user accessible I/O lines that can be connected to different sensors to expand its
- 设计传感器网络时需要考虑到的移动网络自组功能,这是一个拓扑结构的算法说明,可以利用嵌入式开发的手段实现,不过网络层会比较麻烦。-Be considered when designing sensor networks to mobile networks from the set of functions, this algorithm is a topology that can be achieved by means of embedded development, but the net
- Coverage for Mobile Sensor Networks
- 滑坡无线传感器网络检测中的人机互动,用安卓系统实现滑坡检测,位置管理,手机照明,危险逃生路径规划等功能-Human-computer interaction in the detection of the landslide wireless sensor networks using Andrews system landslide detection, location management, mobile lighting, dangerous escape path planning f
- 为抵消网络可变时延对遥操作系统的影响,基于一种新的改进型Smith预估器, 构建了预估控制下的网络实时遥操作移动机器人系统. 该系统根据主、从端传感器交换的 信息,通过动态模型管理器及其算法,保证了主、从端模型的一致性. 文中根据端到端数据 包多个到达的特性,提出了新的时延缓冲器管理算法,从而更好地将可变时延转化为常时 延. 为了增强系统控制的实时性,系统中还引入了模型的虚拟显示. 长距离的网络遥操作 实验验证了文中系统和控制策略的实用性及有效性.-Estimated und
- :为了验证听觉反馈在移动机器人遥操作中应用的可行性,作者应用可听化技术设计了一种传感器 信息一声音映射方案,并在此基础上进行了心理物理学实验。初步的实验结果表明,通过听觉反馈遥操作者 完全可以对传感器数据流进行有效地监视。-: In order to verify the feasibility of the application of auditory feedback in mobile robot teleoperation of applications Auralizatio
- Mobile Sensor Node Deployment and Asynchronous Power Management for Wireless Sensor Networks
- tutor guide microcontroller mobile robot sensor sonar
- 手机传感器中包含多种传感器,可以利用手机传感器获得的数据,作一些开发-Mobile sensors contain a variety of sensors, the phone can use the data obtained by the sensor, as some developers
- 一篇关于光流传感器的论文,光流传感器广泛应用于微型西轴飞行器的室内定位-Robust velocity and position estimation at high update rates is crucial for mobile robot navigation. In recent years optical flow sensors based on computer mouse hardware chips have been shown to perform well
- 通过handle实时监测移动端获得的所有wifi信号强度,并将其按时间顺序写入系统文件 另外可以获得手机加速度传感器的数据-By handle real-time monitoring of the mobile terminal to obtain all the WiFi signal strength, and the time to write the system files Another funtion is to abtain the accelemoter sensor