Software Testing
- Software Testing, Second Edition provides practical insight into the world of software testing and quality assurance. Learn how to find problems in any computer program, how to plan an effective test approach and how to tell when software is ready fo
- 从软件破解和利用的角度讨论软件安全测试技巧和方法的电子书,避免安全漏洞的出现。-break from the software and use the angle of software security testing techniques and methods of e-books, to avoid the emergence of security flaws.
- 用Java开发软件工程模型的详细设计文档-Java development software engineering model of the detailed design document
- 软件工程文档规范; 包括: 概要设计文档、详细设计文档等模板-software engineering documentation norms; Including : an outline design documentation, detailed design document template, etc.
- 这是写给作为软件工程项目经理的书,原书的书评是: \"If you re looking for solid, easy-to-follow advice on estimation, requirements gathering, managing change, and more, you can stop now: this is the book for you.\" --Scott Berkun, Author of The Art of Project Management-
- 一个设计文档的样例 Design Report: Resource Management Software Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department Milwaukee School of Engineering
- Study Guide to Accompany Shari Lawrence Pfleeger s Software Engineering: Theory and Practice By Forrest Shull and Roseanne Tesoriero (very usefull book form student who study Software Engeneering)
- 软件测试的书籍,让你了解软件测试不光光是一本科学,更是一门艺术。-Software testing books, software testing so that you understand not just a science, it is an art.
- Software testing的介绍。什么是软件测试及一些知识的介绍-Introduction to Software tesing .some Basic knowledge
- 系统地讲述了软件丁程的概念、原理和典型的方法学,并介绍了软件项目的管理技术。-Systematic way about the concept of small software, principles and typical methodology and presented the software project management techniques.
- 本书由浅入深介绍了软件工程的基本知识,可以让不同层次的读者详细了解软件工程-Implemented progressively in this book describes the basic knowledge of software engineering that allows different levels of readers to learn more about software engineering
- 书名:The Art of software TESTING,英文原版,软件测试方面的经典。-Title: The Art of software TESTING, English original, the classic software testing.
- 软件设计/软件工程 国标软件设计文档要求 参考文档-Software Design/Software Engineering GB software design document requirements for reference documentation
- 经典的软件测试的书籍,包括了很多基本的测试方法,测试的入门之选。-The classic software testing books, including a lot of the basic testing methods, testing the entry choice.
- 软件工程 (Software Engineering,简称为SE)是一门研究用工程化方法构建和维护有效的、实用的和高质量的软件的学科。它涉及到程序设计语言,数据库,软件开发工具,系统平台,标准,设计模式等方面。在现代社会中,软件应用于多个方面。典型的软件比如有电子邮件,嵌入式系统,人机界面,办公套件,操作系统,编译器,数据库,游戏等。同时,各个行业几乎都有计算机软件的应用,比如工业,农业,银行,航空,政府部门等。这些应用促进了经济和社会的发展,使得人们的工作更加高效,同时提高了生活质量。-The
- 高级软件工程2 软件典型架构 Advanced Software Engineering-A typical software architecture Advanced Software Engineering
- 软件测试的艺术,对于从未接触过软件测试的人可以起到一定的指导作用,对于有了一定基础的人可以让其更深入的了解。里面主要介绍了黑盒测试、白盒测试等。-the art of software testing describes the black-box testing,white-box testing. It is both good for the people who has no knowledge of software testing and the the people who hav
introducing some concepts and methodologies about software engineering
- Specifying software problems and solutions is like cartoon strip writing Unfortunately, most of us are not artists, so we will use something less exciting:UML symbols
Software Project Management
- Software Project Management for Dummies
Software Development Design and Coding
- 软件工程初学者指南,关于软件开发设计、编码、调试等软件开发全过程的通俗介绍。(Learn the principles of good software design, and how to turn those principles into great code. This book introduces you to software engineering from the application of engineering principles to the developmen