- Just what is a regular expression, anyway? Take the tutorial to get the long answer. The short answer is that a regular expression is a compact way of describing complex patterns in texts. You can use them to search for patterns and, once found
- The C programming language is by far the most used in Unix software development. Perhaps this is because the Unix system itself was originally developed in C it is the native tongue of Unix. Unix C compilers have traditionally defined the interfa
- 本书被称为日本最有营养的C参考书。作者是日本著名的“毒舌程序员”,其言辞犀利,观点鲜明, 往往能让读者迅速领悟要领。 书中结合了作者多年的编程经验和感悟,从C语言指针的概念讲起,通过实验一步一步地为我们解 释了指针和数组、内存、数据结构的关系,展现了指针的常见用法,揭示了各种使用技巧。另外,还通 过独特的方式教会我们怎样解读C语言那些让人“纠结”的声明语法,如何绕过C指针的陷阱。 本书适合C语言中级学习者阅读,也可作为计算机专业学生学习C语言的参考。-The book is