- Detecting Network Intrusions via Sampling_A Game Theoretic Approach Internet Quarantine_Requirements for Containing Self-Propagating Code Modeling Malware Spreading Dynamics Modeling the Spread of Active Worms
- VBS脚本和BAT批处理自身删除的方法 程序就可以动态生成VBS自删除脚本,并调用它删除自身啦,方法同样和批处理文件的自删除相似! 需要说明的是由于病毒及蠕虫对脚本的滥用,脚本删除文件时可能会被被误认为恶意代码! -VBS scr ipts and BAT batch delete their own methods and procedures to be dynamically generated from the VBS scr ipt to delete and remove
- This document describes the design and implementation of a network worm simulation system, named "NWS". It also describes using the NWS system to model aspects of real world worms, and the results of those simulations.
- Web 前端的黑客攻防技术是一门非常新颖且有趣的黑客技术,主要包含Web 前端安全的跨站脚本 (XSS)、跨站请求伪造(CSRF)、界面操作劫持这三大类,涉及的知识点涵盖信任与信任关系、Cookie 安全、Flash 安全、DOM 渲染、字符集、跨域、原生态攻击、高级钓鱼、蠕虫思想等,这些都是研究前端 安全的人必备的知识点。本书作者深入剖析了许多经典的攻防技巧,并给出了许多独到的安全见解。-Web front-end hacker attack and defense is a ve