- A hidden Markov model (HMM) is a statistical Markov model in which the system being modeled is assumed to be a Markov process with unobserved (hidden) states. An HMM can be considered as the simplest dynamic Bayesian network. The mathematics behind t
- Accident Intimating System this system will indicate the possibility of accident prior to its occurence.l djtravs
- In order to overcome sensitive defects of components deviations and environment defects in analog circuit design, a novel four-dimensional hyperchaotic systems is constructed based on Lü system. Basic nonlinear dynamics characteristics are analyz
- In order to overcome sensitive defects of components deviations and environment defects in analog circuit design, a novel four-dimensional hyperchaotic systems is constructed based on Lü system. Basic nonlinear dynamics characteristics are analyz
- In order to overcome sensitive defects of components deviations and environment defects in analog circuit design, a novel four-dimensional hyperchaotic systems is constructed based on Lü system. Basic nonlinear dynamics characteristics are analyz
- 在一个移动通信系统中,发射信号是一个未调制的音频x(t)=cos(2πft),其中f=f0+fi。设标称载波为f0=1GHz,并设fi =512Hz。假定移动用户在一个繁忙的高速公路上距离基站l公里处的地方,从开始从每小时60公里的速度开始,其速度(在0.01秒的时间间隔内测量)以1/2的概率随机的增加或减少1/10公里每小时。试仿真移动用户在这2s的时间间隔内所接收到的信号(及其频谱)。接收信号可以表示为: y(t)=a(t)Cos[2π(fo+f1)(t-△t)] 式中 △(t)=