- the code environment s C++. it is in image processing field. this code Read TIFF Image then it excute a Median Filter Classical on gray images. after that it Write TIFFU nsigned Char.
- 基于各向异性扩散的非线性正则化Perona-Malik模型,实现对图像的平滑滤波-Regularization based on nonlinear anisotropic diffusion Perona-Malik model, image smoothing filter
- 基于视频图像处理提取夜间交通车辆完整轮廓的方法.通过梯度滤波消除路面反光的干扰,然后对经过预处理的相邻视频帧图像实行三帧差分分割运动区域。-Based on video image processing to extract the entire outline of the vehicle nighttime traffic methods. Reflective pavement through gradient filter to eliminate the interference, a
- We first present the Hypothesis Selection Filter in a general setting. For a given image enhancement problem, suppose we have selected a set of image filters each of which is effective in improving the image quality for a certain type of cont
- 两种滤波反投影重建方法的比较Filter back projection ct image reconstruction-Filter back projection ct image reconstruction
- SOOBEL OPERATORS filter to enhance the image
- haph will find line in image by haph transform. uhaph will find circle in image by haph transform. nonlinear will filter signal. nonlinear diff2 will filter image in 2dim. savvola make image binary.
- 四种滤波(SVD滤波,PCA滤波,DCT滤波,DWT滤波)对图像处理,有程序代码和对应图片-Four kinds of filter for image processing
- 提出了一种基于改进 BP 神经网络和粒子群优化算法( PSO) 的图像滤波方法 。该方法利用双曲正切形式 的误差函数代替 BP 神经网络传统的最小均方误差函数( LMS),并将改进后的 BP 神经网络利用 PSO 算法优 化,用来减小图像噪声对神经网络精度的影响以及避免神经网络陷入局部极小值点,从而提高神经网络去噪能 力。实验结果表明,与传统滤波方法相比,该方法不仅能有效地滤除图像中的高斯噪声而且能很好地保护图像 细节 。- U63D0 u51FA u4E86 u4E00