- 介绍国家智能电网信息体系,提出支持中国特色智能化电网的ICS体系 -Introduce national smart grid information systems, intelligent network with Chinese characteristics put forward in support of the ICS system
- SA/ICS-ZL阵列式皮带秤是我公司自主开发研制出的具有多项国家专利的高准确度、高稳定性的新型电子皮带秤。其准确度优于OIML R50中1级、GB/T 7721-2008中 0.5级秤,准确度误差不大于0.2% ,可作为商贸结算用秤。-SA/ICS-ZL array belt scales are highly accurate with a number of national patents developed by our company developed the high stabi
- A method based on adap t ive filtering is p ropo sed to detect dim smallmoving target s in st rong undulant clut ter background. Thismethod ut ilizes the difference between target and clut ter w ith regard to stat ist ic charac2 terist ics, the c