- 很不错的数字图像处理资料,包括图像基础、图像处理以及图像分析-very good digital image processing of information, including images based on image processing and image analysis
- 车牌识别,图像处理类资料,要用CAJViewer阅读器浏览 -Image-processing type of information, readers should visit the CAJViewer
- BBB基于小波分解、互信息测度以及混合优化的图像配准-BBB based on wavelet decomposition, mutual information measure and the hybrid optimization of image registration
- 本文提出一种基于高斯- 马尔科夫 随机场模型,首先通过图像采集及激光测距系统,采集大量图像及其相匹配的深度信息图,在 人类视觉系统基础上,提取图像特征,通过训练完善模型,并应用于新采集图像上-This paper presents a Gauss- Markov random field model, first by image acquisition and laser ranging system, collecting a large number of images to ma
- 监控专用硬盘比较:DVR专用硬盘的设计是为了满足数字硬盘录像机对系统数据和数字图像信息的存储要求-Monitor the dedicated hard: DVR-specific hard drive is designed to meet the storage requirements of the Digital Video Recorder system data and digital image information
- steganography is a technique of hiding information in image or videos
- 本文主要介绍了常用的遥感图像算法,然后从数学角度分析融合图像产生光谱失真的原因,并探讨融合图像在空间分辨率增强与光谱信息保持二者之间的关系,最后针对多光谱图像的成像特性,分别提出了基于区域特性的多光谱与全色图像的融合算法及SAR与全色图像的融合算法,并且介绍了基于区域特性的遥感图像融合最新动态及其发展趋势。-This paper describes the algorithm used for remote sensing image, and then fused image from a m
- Robotic systems have brought significant socioeconomic impacts to human lives over the past few decades. Cloud Robotics is the latest existing idea tapping into the Internet s vast and rapidly expanding network of computing and data resources. Cloud
- In this paper, a fast and memory efficient version of set partitioned embedded block (SPECK) image coder is proposed. Due to use of linked lists, SPECK algorithm, requires large run-time memory, making it unsuitable for memory constrained portable mu
- 本系统优点: 1、本系统可以收集任何文本信息和图片信息。支持手机上网访问,并用手机相机拍照上传图片 2、本系统收集的信息分两种,一种不记名,一种记名。记名的,需要用户登录后再填写信息,由于是记名的,后台管理员可以知道本信息是谁填写的,用户也可以编辑查询自己的信息。不记名的,不需要用户登录就可以填写信息,由于不记名,后台管理员无法知道本信息是谁填写的,系统也无法知道是谁填写,因此用户也不能编辑自己的信息。-The system advantages: 1, this system can coll
- 变量选择是图像处理以及红外处理的一种重要的信息提取方法,本文针对变异系数来选择波长来达到信息提取的目的-Variable selection is an important image processing and infrared treatment method of information extraction based on coefficient of variation to choose wavelength to achieve the goal of information