- 回顾一个多世纪以来电力工业和电力系统的发展,深感由于经济发展和技术进步带来的巨大变化。上世纪的80~90年代,是电力系统的初创时期。据记载,1882年在美国纽约建成了世界第一个完整的电力系统。这是一个由发电机、电缆和负载组成的直流电力系统。然而由于直流输电系统的局限性,人们转而研究交流输电技术,并在上一个世纪之交,确立了交流输电系统进一步发展和应用的基本取向,从而带来了本世纪交流高电压输电和电力系统的大发展。从本世纪初到60年代末,最高交流输电电压从12.44千伏和60千伏提高到735千伏和76
- The OMNI Naming Service (omniNames) is an omniORB implementation of the OMG’s COS Naming Service Specification. It offers a way for a client to turn a human-readable name into an object reference, on which the client can subsequently invoke ope
- 现这个提示一般都是因为改过或者清理过注册表造成的。或者是安装IIS等组件造成的。有几种解决方法。你可以试下。因为不同的情况会出现同样的现象。所以说不准到底哪种适合你-Now this tip are generally to turn over or clean up the registry. Or install IIS and other components. There are several solutions. You can try it. Because different s
- 交流电220V转成5V直流电压的电路参数计算,看看吧,我通过这个了解到转电压的参数的。-AC 220V to 5V DC voltage of the circuit parameters, look at it, I learned turn voltage parameters.
- 基于继电反馈的PID控制器的参数整定公式和方法-Parameters based on relay feedback PID controller tuning formulas and methods
- PB11转WEB配置程序,按照此配置实现程序轻松转成WEB页面-PB11 turn WEB configuration program, implement the program in accordance with this configuration easily turn into a WEB page
- 珠海发电厂 1号机 1 号电动给水泵启动中综合保护继电器保护动作 , 跳开电动 给水泵电源 开关 , 马 达 端盖出 风口 有青黑 色 烟气冒 出 。 根据综合保护继 电器记录数据 , 利用 矢量分 析法 , 结合继 电保护 及电力 系 统稳态 、 暂态理论知识 , 在最短时间 内 分析出 电动机发生了 B相绕组匝 间 短路 , 为 确定电动机故障 点 提供了理论支持 , 确保了 故障电动机的 及时维修 , 并在电动给泵进行解体后 , 验证了 理论分析的正确性-The steady st
- At this point, we have indicated to the game that *when we do something*, // we will want to move ahead and turn right. That s what set means. It is important to realize we have not done anything yet! In order to actually move, we ll want to call
- python raspberry pi, sending email/ blink led/turn led on or o-python raspberry pi, sending email/ blink led/turn led on or off
- As you may understand with the name of project, there is two triangle and they are rotating. We have used the simple code for developing this project. Let start doing it. First we have defined a global variable for angle. The whole program is divi
- 小功能,c# 把英文字符全角状态转换成半角状态(The full width half angle angle angle angle turn turn turn turn half full width half angle)