- 共1200多页,用于替代IEEE 802.11-1999、IEEE 802.11a-1999、IEEE 802.11a Errata-2000、IEEE 802.11b-1999、IEEE 802.11b Corrigendum 1-2001、IEEE 802.11d-2001、IEEE 802.11e-2005、IEEE 802.11g-2003、IEEE 802.11h-2003、IEEE 802.11h Errata-2004、IEEE 802.11i-2004、IEEE 802.11j-
- lqfp类元件封装大全,这里好像还没有,所以我特的整理了传上来,希望能对大家有用。-lqfp class component package Daquan, there seems to have not, so I might just finishing up a pass, hoping it would be useful.
- just for test just for test just for test-just for testjust for testjust for testjust for testjust for test
- 本文档介绍对讲机的功能,适合刚从事或想要从事对讲机的人。对讲机功能概述-This document describes the walkie-talkie function, fit or just to engage the people want to engage in walkie-talkie.
- 准时化生产(just-in-time,JIT)诞生于20世纪50年代的日本,并于70年代全球石油危机中倍受关注。准时化生产是丰田生产方式的核心。它采用“看板管理”实现“拉动”式生产,与传统的以计划为主的“推动”式生产有着本质区别。全面质量管理、设备合理布置、作业标准化、设备快速调整以及良好的外部协作等方法,确保了准时化生产的顺利实施。-Production on time (just-in-time, JIT) was born in 20th century Japan, the 50'
- 国际PKI发展现状,刚才上传了国内的发展现状,这个是国际的发展现状-PKI development of the international status quo, just uploaded the development of the domestic status quo, this is the development of international
- just a few things I don t understand... igoogle home page
- 什么是科技论文?科技论文是集假说、数据和结论为一体的概括性描述,以此向读者论述。论文是研究工作的中心部分。如果你的研究没有写成论文,也就等同于没有做研究。有意义但没有发表,等同于不存在。-What is a scientific paper? A paper is an organized descr iption of hypotheses, data and conclusions, intended to instruct the reader. Papers are a central
- LLDP standard doc. It talks about it. I am uploading just to allow me to download uboot doc.Yes, that is the purpose.
- startup of Uboot. It talks about it. I am uploading just to allow me to download uboot doc.Yes, that is the purpose.
- startup of Uboot. It talks about it. I am uploading just to allow me to download uboot doc.Yes, that is the purpose.
- startup of Uboot. It talks about it. I am uploading just to allow me to download uboot doc.Yes, that is the purpose.
- startup of Uboot. It talks about it. I am uploading just to allow me to download uboot doc.Yes, that is the purpose.
- WiMAX是IEEE802.16以太网络的界面标准,就像Wi-Fi 是802.11以太网络的标准一样。 这两年来,WiMax 已经成为无线网络界最流行的专用字汇。-WiMAX is the IEEE802.16 standard Ethernet interface, just like Wi-Fi is the same as the 802.11 standard Ethernet network. The past two years, WiMax wireless network has
- 六西格玛管理在我国企业还处于摸索阶段,中国企业推行六西格玛可谓任重道远。国内真正搞六西格玛的企业少之又少,大多是在追求新概念,仅仅是舔一舔,尝试新的模式,缺乏真正吞下去并进行消化的勇气和决心,很多企业只是在利用一点六西格玛的某些工具,没有做系统的六西格玛培训和实施,更谈不上战略性规划。 -Six Sigma in our company is still in the exploratory stage, the Chinese enterprises in implementing Si
- IEC61850规约的介绍,IEC61850不仅仅是一个单纯的通信规约,而且是数字化变电站自动化系统的标准,指导了变电站自动化的设计、开发、工程、维护等各个领域,本文对61850做了简明扼要的介绍,有助于理解和开发。-IEC61850 Statute descr iption, IEC61850 is not just a simple communication protocol, but also digital substation automation system standards
- 数字水印的研究综述,学习水印必备,尤其对于刚刚接触者。-Research of the digital watermark , learn the watermark essential , especially for just contacts .
- this just my research about weather forecast using grads and cell scr ipt in linux ubuntu.-this is just my research about weather forecast using grads and cell scr ipt in linux ubuntu.
- A BRIEF SURVEY ON HYBRID METAHEURISTICS: The term metaheuristic was introduced to define heuristic methods that can be applied to a wide set of different problems. In other words, a metaheuristic can be seen as a general algorithmic framework whi
- 条件随机场的综述,没有了,就这些,下面凑字数-Conditional Random Review, Minato words, the following