- The random access memory comprises hundreds of thousands of small capacitors that store loads. When loaded, the logical state of the capacitor is equal to 1, otherwise it is 0, meaning that each capacitor represents one memory
- 为满足经济发展的需要,根据有关单位的决定修建1座110KV盐北变电所。 本工程初步设计内容包含变电所电气设计,新建的盐北变电所从110KV侧东郊变电所受电,其负荷分为35KV和10KV两个电压等级。 通过技术和经济比较,现采用下列方案: 1. 内设两台三绕组变压器,电压等级为121/37.8/11。 2. 110KV进线采用内桥接线形式。 3. 本工程初步设计内容包括变电所电气设计。 4. 35KV和10KV配电装置同样采用单母线分段接线。 5. 所用电分别从10KV
- This document is a research paper that presents a study and design of a complete grid connected photovoltaic (PV) system for providing the electrical loads in an emergency health clinic according to their energy requirements.
- This paper presents a study and design of a complete stand-alone photovoltaic (PV) system for providing the electrical loads in an emergency health clinic according to their energy requirements.
- 关于配网自动化的IEEEE文章The DA System is modular and may be implemented in phases to include remote monitoring and control of substation, feeder and consumer devices, and loads.-DISTEUBUTION AUTOMATION
- Effect of power system harmonics on power system equipment and loads. adverse effects of harmonics on power system and other fields.
- The REMUS simulator program was written using MATLAB. The first program, REMUSSIM.m,loads the vehicle initial conditions and tracks the vehicle state. The second program, REMUS.m,calculates the new vehicle accelerations based on the vehicle state and
- 道路车辆- 电气和电子装备的环境条件和试验第2 部分:供电环境-Road vehicles — Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment — Part 2:Electrical loads
- Loads an image Applies an Affine Transform to the image. This Transform is obtained the relation between three points. We use the function warpAffine for that purpose. Applies a Rotation to the image after being transformed. This rotation is with