- 行业发展的权为文章,不可不看,看了就有收获,一定!-development of the industry in power for the article, I can not see, having read the harvest will certainly!
- 通過CPU RDMSR及CPUID讀取CPU相關信息,僅供參考-CPUID read through the CPU RDMSR and CPU-related information for reference only
- 《微软360度——企业和文化》,描写微软公司文化的书籍,推荐软件开发的朋友阅读。-" Microsoft 360 degrees- business and culture" , describes Microsoft' s culture, books, software development recommend a friend to read.
- 基于图像序列重建领域比较最重要的两篇文章,建议大家仔细阅读。-Reconstruction of the field of image sequences based on comparison of the two most important article, it is recommended you read very carefully.
- OLED DISPLAY MODULE I m using a 160x128 Graphic OLED Display from Densitron (DD-160128FC-2A) with the ATmega1281. The LCD is controlled via a SEPS525 OLED Driver IC. I use the LCD in 8bit parallel mode. Both the LCD and controller dat
- 多物理场耦合分析软件中文版介绍。 COMSOL 公司于2005年9月6日正式公布3.2 版COMSOL Multiphysics,新的特点能为整个建模与模拟过程带来更大效率的科学性数值模拟套件。现在软件可以读取所有主要的CAD 模块几何文件。COMSOL scr ipt 为一独立产品,其最大特色为命令行建模。图形化使用者接口支持工程单元系统,移动式网格功能,可允许仿真移动物体及几何参数。-Coupled multi-physics analysis software, introduced
- read your package and describe it at least 40 bytes in English. System will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two directory. If you have not registered, Please [regist first].You
- 四篇非常棒的关于LLC电源的硕士论文,每篇都是完整的,有空可以慢慢研读一下。后缀格式是.nh,请用cajviewer打开-4 great power on the LLC' s master' s thesis, Each are complete, the empty can take the time read about. Suffix format. Nh, please open the cajviewer
- As the energy metering industry converts from electromechanical meters to more-accurate solid-state meters, power-system designers have a chance to incorporate new features that weren’t previously possible. In demand now are solid-state meters that m
- FME Suite的技术白皮书,FME Suite 是一套完整的访问空间数据的解决方案,可以用于读、写、存储和转换各种空间数据。它能实现各类GIS及CAD格式的数据相互转换。-FME Suite Technical White Paper, FME Suite is a complete solution for access to spatial data can be used to read, write, store and convert a variety of spatial da
- 国外部分无线射频技术厂商名录,包括行业应用系统与解决方案供应商、RFID组件供应商、智能卡技术供应商等等,入门必读!-Some foreign countries list of radio frequency technology vendors, including the industry applications and solutions, RFID component suppliers, supplier of smart card technology and so on, en
- 采用堆栈技术,利用PASCAL语言,对PASCAL源程序进行了缩排处理,即把一个已编译通过的PASCAL源程序文件,变为便于阅读的缩排格式的文件。-Using stack technology, using PASCAL language, PASCAL source code for the indentation process, that is the one compiled by the PASCAL source code file, indented into easy to re
- 单片机应用系统设计 讲稿 主讲人:吕国芳,简明易懂。 -MCU apply system design paper, the teacher is Guo-Fang Liu . The paper is simple and easy to read.
- 给了一个HRWS SAR的仿真,并给出了结果分析。经典之作。作为学习,还是好好读一下。-Leave a HRWS SAR simulation, and analyzes the results. Classic. For learning, or a good read.
- 本程序介绍完成读入1000个数的操作,并求出其中素数的个数。-This procedure describes the number of completed read operation 1000, and calculated the number of prime numbers of them.
- Design of FI ADC using CMOS Technology Completely discussed. This is must read file for any one who want to design FI-ADC. Complete flow is given in this document
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- 物联网关键技术及问题研究 这是一篇关于物联网的文章 很有用 阅读后请删除 不要做任何商业活动-Key technologies and issues of things this is a research article on useful things to read after you remove the do not do any commercial activity
- documents to read on developement issues.
- This is about WSN networks.. read it have fun