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- 自由下载此源码(选择自由下载将不利于本站源码数量的增多并会降低-free download this source (freedom of choice to download the source code is not conducive to the site and the increase in the volume will be reduced
- 协同分集通信系统中的重要问题之中继方法的选择-Collaborative communication systems diversity of important issues in the choice of relay
- 对煤矿中的无线通信的关键技术——频率的选择作了详细的描述,并通过仿真说明了在何种频率中才能达到无线天线发射的最优化-Coal mine in the key technology of wireless communication- the choice of frequency gave a detailed descr iption and the simulation shows what frequency to achieve the optimization of the wirel
- PMP现状,从事PMP设计方案基础事项,从现状中得出去开发板的最优选择。-PMP status, in matters of PMP design basis, from the status quo was the best choice out of the development board.
- 介绍智能小车原理应用 传感器等的选择 控制部分的介绍-Applying the principle of introducing smart car sensors, the choice of control part of the introduction
- 本文在阐述网络发展的现状和趋势的基础上,着重分析了两种内 部网关路由选择协议砒P和OSPF协议的实现机制和性能特点。对P 协议是基于距离矢量算法的。OSPF协议是基于链路状态算法的。本 文的工作重点是对上述两种协议分别从类型,封装,路径特征,邻居 发现和支持,路由选择数据的分发,对变化的响应,路由表计算,健 壮性/可靠性以及安全性等方面进行了对比分析,并对它们存在的安 全漏洞进行了初步的分析说明。根据以上的分析,通过On忸T软件, 本文设计了一个10km×10km规模
- English C++ aptitude multiple choice
- 现代汽车全部采用电力起动机,起动机的功能就是迅速、可靠地起动发动机,使发动机正常工作。所以在选择发动机,必须确定好与之配套的起动机;当然还必须选择好起动机与发动机的最佳传动比及适配的蓄电池的电荷量等。为了使发动机能迅速、可靠地起,起动机必须具有足够的功率,否则就有可能起动不了发动机,或出现重复起动的次数增多,起动时间延长,烧毁起动机,消耗过多的燃料等-Hyundai Motor starters all the electricity used, the function of starter
- 讲述变形监测的内容、数据处理方法以及预测模型的选择。-Described the content, method of data processing of deformation monitoring and prediction model of choice.
- This paper presents an algorithm for the complete specification of multinomial discrete choice models to predict the spatial preferences of attackers. The formulation employed is a modification of models previously applied in transportation flo
- 中国对外直接投资的区位选择研究分析归纳总结出了中国对外投资存在的区位过分集中,投资规模较小、竞争力差,缺乏宏观引导以及整体投资战略等问题,建议我国企业在认真分析自身优劣势的基础上,制定符合长期发展的全球性战略。同时还要充分考察东道国的投资环境,合理选择投资区位,进一步提高我国对外直接投资的收益率,影响力,建设一批具有国际影响力的跨国公司,进而促进我国经济的发展。-Research on the location choice of foreign direct investment China.
- 高速公路路面基层的施工技术 摘要:随着我国经济的高速发展,交通量也迅速上升,现如今的道路已经不能满足要求,使得道路大量的损坏影响交通,并且交通量的增加并且不断地对道路的碾压磨损,使得现在已经修建好的道路的路基、路面损坏,造成一系列的交通问题。因此,对道路的等级、以及道路的设计质量有了更高的要求。路基路面是构成公路线形主体结构密不可分的主要组成部分。因此,根据根据公路等级和任务,合理的选择路基路面结构,精心设计,精心施工使路面路基在设计年限内具备良好的使用性能,对节约投资,提高运输效益,具
- The main application of FreeIMU is orientation sensing: by reading the data from the various sensors is possible to compute precisely the orientation of FreeIMU in the space. Recent boards also feature an high resolution barometer allowing to precise
- Control Methods for Electrical Machines - Husson_ Rene The control of electrical machines very much depends on the context and environment in which motors are considered. How a machine is used has a strong influence on its control laws. These
- CDMA (OFDM-CDMA), offers several key advantages such as immunity against narrowband interference and robustness in frequency-selective fading channels[2]. Such desirable properties make MC-CDMA an attractive choice for the present and future radio-co
- A feature of this topology is the significant second harmonic component of the current that circulates among the phase legs and mainly increases the losses. Secondly, the sizing process for the module capacitance and the arm inductance is describ
- Build a decision tree (DT) classfier using the following three strategies for stopping growth of a tree: i) threshold on the decrease in impurity ii) threshold on the number of data vectors at a node iii) grow the tree as much as possible and the
- 主要描写了基于自由选择算法下的IIR数字滤波器的研究-Mainly describes the research IIR digital filter algorithm under the freedom of choice based on