- 收益共享的供应链协作契约机制研究Revenue Sharing Contract of Supply Chain Coordination Mechanism-Revenue Sharing Contract of Supply Chain Coordination Mechanism
- 本文档是北京信息技术有限公司在与XX公司的客户关系管理系统实施合同基础上编制的。本文档的编写为下阶段的设计、开发提供依据,为项目组成员对需求的详尽理解,以及在开发开发过程中的协同工作提供强有力的保证。同时本文档也作为项目评审验收的依据之一。-This document is Beijing Information Technology Co., Ltd. with XX company' s customer relationship management system, prepared
self power generated stimulator
- This paper proposes the design and implementation of the functional electrical stimulator using the ultra low power microcontroller MSP430 , which restores the functionality of paralyzed portion of human body due to spinal cord injury (SCI) that cons
- AGILE PAPERS We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. We value: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools. Working software over comprehensive documentation. Customer
- 在最佳位置和合同双层办法 分布式发电的径向分布定价 使用混合整数线性规划系统-Bilevel approach for optimal location and contract pricing of distributed generation in radial distribution systems using mixed-integer linear programming
- 分布式最优契约定价代配电网在电力系统中的优化调度分析-Optimal Contract Pricing of Distributed Generation in Distribution Networks
- 合同理论在频谱资源利用方面的研究,为未来5G发展找到和合理的工具可以使双方收益最大化-contract theory using in 5G wireless communication about the spectrum allocations.
- 利用博弈论中的拍卖模型建模,5G 通信中的频谱资源利用问题。竞价机制银土其中-auction theory using in 5G wireless communication about the spectrum allocations.