- 飞思卡尔半导体公司是摩托罗拉的子公司,在长达 5 0 多年开发半导体产品的过程中, 积累了丰富的无线射 频和无线技术领域经验。凭借在这个领域的丰富经验, 我们提供符合IEEE 802.15.4 标准、支持ZigBee 技术的完 整平台解决方案。飞思卡尔为窗户提供一站式商店,包 括射频收发器、MCU、传感器、MAC 软件、Z-Stack ZigBee 软件和灵活的开发工具套件, 从而使无线技术变得简 单。实际上,任何需要较长电池寿命和联网功能的低数 据速率、监控、控
- < PageIndex=1> <<PageIndex=2>>本文主要通过对企业物流的发展 里程的研究,总结了现代成功物流管理 的 经验和优点.-lt; Lt; PageIndex = 1gt; Gt; L t; PageIndex = inversion; Gt; This paper mainly of logistics enterprises in the development process, summed up the success of mod
- The Deep Space Communications and Navigation Systems Center of Excellence (DESCANSO) was established in 1998 by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) at the California Institute of Technology’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). DESC
- 《Hadoop 开发者》第四期,在千呼万呼中,终于艰难的出来。这是众多Hadoopor期望的一期,也是相对成熟的一期,本期的作者大多都具备在一线的Hadoop 开发或应用经验,因此实践性较强。-" Hadoop developers" Fourth, in the thousand million calls in the call finally came out hard. This is one of many Hadoopor expected, is relative
- 本文在分析城市交通信号控制研究现状和交叉*通信号控制原理、评价方 法的基础上,设计了单交叉*通信号两级模糊控制系统。分级模糊控制能有效 减少模糊规则数,易于提取模糊规则,适合于交通状况复杂的城市交叉*通信 号控制。但它存在难以由人工合理定义全部模糊隶属度函数的问题。为此本文进 一步采用遗传算法对两级模糊控制器中模糊隶属度函数进行优化。本文提出的方 法具有分级模糊控制的优点,同时可以使模糊隶属度的选取更为合理,获得更好 的控制效果。对一个四相位单交叉口,利用MA
- 【海尔-电通企划全案】,从大型企业的发展中学习经验-[Haier- Dentsu case] planning, from the large-scale enterprise development in the learning experience
- 戏说面向对象程序设计C#板!文章很生动!很容易理解!适合学习设计模式的初学者!有经验者也可重新温习!会有新的体验!-Joking OOP C# Board! The article is very lively! It is easy to understand! Learning design patterns suitable for beginners! Experience can also be re-study! There will be a new experience!
- 成功的IT行业大学以及研究生学习经验探讨。为在校的学生们提供一些参考。-The success of universities and IT industry to explore post-graduate learning experience. For in-school students to provide some reference.
- OA 的宝贵开发实施经验,能够指导进行二次开发,并可以参照源代码-The development of the implementation of OA valuable experience to the secondary development of the guidance and can refer to the source code
- OSK 5912 Guide This guide is for people new to working with Embedded Linux, specifically with the OMAP5912 Starter Kit (OSK).This guide will make the assumption that you have no prior experience, and will focus only on the easiest way to do
- 根据本人近10年来项目管理的一些切身体验,重点论述项目投资控制管理中的几个方面。项目投资涉及的环节很多,需要动用的许多人员物资、大量资金。因此建设项目的投资控制的制约因素有很多方面。我想主要从决策、设计和施工三个阶段的投资控制问题谈一点粗浅的认识。-According to my past 10 years, a number of personal experience of project management, with emphasis on investment in several
- 机器视觉开源包openCV2.0 的安装经验与说明文档-Open-source package openCV2.0 machine vision experience with the installation documentation
- 内包括 C语言经验总结 IT学生解惑真经 C语言资料大全 新编笔记本电脑实用技巧300解-Experience to include C-C-IT students Sourcebook FAQ scr iptures New Laptop Solutions 300 Practical Skills
- 后台开发小总结。结合切身体会,谭后台开发发展方向-Development of small background summary. Combination of personal experience, the development direction of the background Tan
- 一个企业家,要想长期立于不败之地,做永远的赢家,经营管理断不可 视。而经营管理是一门十分高深的专门学问,它既需借助于理论知识,又 凭藉于实践经验。倘若不知深浅,象无头苍蝇到处乱撞,必将碰壁。-An entrepreneur, to long-term success, the winners always do, and management off invisible. The management is a very highly specialized knowledge, both ne
- Presentation about Quality of Perception and Scalable Video Coding
- 人脸美学的研究正从主观经验走向客观数据驱动,从模糊走向精确,从小样本统计走向大规模数据挖掘,从孤立规则研究走向整体规划,而生物特征计算技术正是这一发展趋势的动力。-Facial aesthetics of moving from subjective experience to objective data-driven, from vague to precise, statistical sample of small to large-scale data mining, rules fr
- 开发者大会所有演讲稿_for_Mac,关于游戏行业的介绍和目前其情况的介绍,对于目前准备做游戏的团队是不可多得的经验。-Developer Conference that all speech _for_Mac, the introduction of the game industry and current situation of its introduction, the current team is prepared to do the game a rare experience.
- 在中国有很多人都认为IT行为是吃青春饭的,如果过了30岁就很难有机会再发展下去!其实现实并不是这样子的,在下从事.NET及JAVA方面的开发的也有8年的时间了,在这里在下想凭借自己的亲身经历,与大家一起探讨一下。-Allow phonetic typing In China, there are a lot of people think that IT behavior is to eat the young rice, if over 30 years of age it is diff
- 本人是一名在校研究生,感觉本网站很好,这次上传的主要是关于编程的心得,能给编程工作者带来益处。-I am a college graduate, I feel this web site is very good, the upload is mainly about the experience of programming ,which can bring benefits to programming workers.