- The word geothermal comes from the Greek words geo (Earth) and therme (heat). Geothermal energy is heat from within the Earth. Geothermal energy is generated in the Earth’s core, almost 4,000 miles beneath the Earth’s surface.
- 拓扑学是近代发展起来的一个研究连续性现象的数学分支。中文名称起源于希腊语Τοπολογ?α的音译。Topology原意为地貌,于19世纪中期由科学家引入,当时主要研究的是出于数学分析的需要而产生的一些几何问题。发展至今,拓扑学主要研究拓扑空间在拓扑变换下的不变性质和不变量。 -Topology is a the modern developed a research continuity phenomenon branch of mathematics. The Chinese name ori
- 数学源自于古希腊语,是研究数量、结构、变化以及空间模型等概念的一门科学。透过抽象化和逻辑推理的使用,由计数、计算、量度和对物体形状及运动的观察中产生。数学的基本要素是:逻辑和直观、分析和推理、共性和个性。-Mathematics from the ancient Greek, is the study of a number of structural changes as well as space model, the concept of a science. Through the us